chapter 21

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Today is Wednesday and I have time to practice before school so I practice. When I finish I do my regular morning routine and got to school. I walk into school and I see Maddie and she is standing by my locker waiting for me. I walk up to her and explain how it was my fault but she may have taken it to far. She totally understood if I couldn't forgive but I reassured her that I do forgive her and I wished her luck tomorrow at the tryouts. After school Maddie came over so we could practice our tryout dances. Hers was really good but I wasn't worried because we both could get on the team together. Then my mom takes us to dance and while I was dancing I look up and she that all the moms are doing there usual fighting.  With all the cameramen recording and watching them. After dance I invite Paige and Maddie over for a sleepover to practice a little for tomorrow. After we practice we got to bed.

We all wake up and get ready and go to school. Class is pretty boring up until the period before lunch then I get anxious and nervous for tryouts. Then I hear the bell ring so I go into the gym and start stretching next to Paige and Maddie walks in and stretches next to me. After stretches the coach comes in and starts calling people up and I was the first one called so I go into a separate part on the gym that is closed off and I see three women sitting behind a table. The coach tells me I can start whenever. So I start my dance and go into my side aerial and I try to push my second foot off and it slips and I hit my head on the hard wood gym floor. I see the ladies surround me and then everything goes black.

(Paige's p.o.v)

I was waiting till It was my time to go then all of a sudden I see the EMT s rushing in with a stretcher. I sprint to the room and see Chloe on the floor unconscious I start crying and beg them to let me go with her. They finally let me go so I sit in there with her balling my eyes out. Once we get to the hospital Christi is already there so I give her a big hug. Then we go into her room and the doctors come in and tell us that Chloe is......

bullied by my best friendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora