Chapter 17:

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The office was bare, the walls stripped of their extravagant posters and clipboards, and the simple wooden desk gone. Instead, only a large wooden casket remained in the middle of the room.

The casket lid was open, and inside it looked like the inside of a coffin. And inside the coffin was a body.

Percy's eyes widened and he stumbled backwards out of the room the hurried down the hall. He didn't stop until he was certain that the office was far behind him. As he was just about to sigh in relief, he realised where he was.

And he screamed.

Percy woke up to birds singing and the sun's rays peering hopefully into the clearing. He was aware of two things: one, Annabeth was already up and rummaging around in her bag for something, and two, there was a line of dried drool on the edge of his mouth and running down his chin.

"Good morning." Annabeth said, looking up from her bag holding the map and compass. "You drool in your sleep, did you know?"

Percy felt his cheeks heating up. "Did I drool on you?"

She laughed. "No, but I think some grass would be pleased that you gave them some--ah,--water."

Percy groaned, then sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Are you packed?" He yawned, standing up and collecting the blankets in his arms before stowing them in his own bag.

"Yup." Annabeth replied, swinging the strap over her shoulder. "Now hurry up. According to my calculations, if we leave now we'll arrive at the village in time for lunch."

Percy grabbed an apple and hurriedly took a quick swig of water. He dashed after Annabeth, who had already left.


Two hours later, they cleared the forest. Percy was exhausted, but didn't care. He was just happy to have escaped his father.

To their right, Percy and Annabeth saw a looming castle, as big and great as the one Percy had lived in. With a jolt of excitement, Percy sped up, fast-walking towards the structure, Annabeth quickly following him.

As they arrived at the village gates, Percy wondered whether he should turn back--obviously the guards would question why they were here. But to his astonishment, when one of the guards saw Annabeth, he jumped up and down with excitement.

"Annabeth!" He cried.

"Leo?" Annabeth asked, before she was crushed by the boy. Percy felt his stomach tumble. Jealousy coursed through his veins and it took all of his willpower not to throttle this guy.

"Valdez." The other guard said, making Leo pull away from Annabeth. "Do you know these people?"

"Yes. I know Annabeth, but the boy," Leo turned his gaze on Percy. "I don't have a clue who he is."

"This is my boyfriend." Annabeth said, reaching back and taking Percy's hand in hers.

Leo's smile didn't falter, instead it widened so much, Percy thought it would fall off his face. "I assume you're here to see Piper and Jason? They should be with Damien and Kenzie at the house. I'll take you to them."

Percy looked at Annabeth who shrugged, and they followed Leo into the city, the looming castle rising above them like a giant.

The Runaways [percabeth AU]Where stories live. Discover now