Chapter 3 | (P.2) Obsidian

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She was hiding, from me and from the world. A world that I lay waste to without a second glance. Ships were reduced to ashes beneath my fiery breath. Sea-side ports, coastal villages, all gone, devastated. Destruction. I lived for this now.

What had I expected? To find her straight away? No. I didn't know. Perhaps I thought I would. Perhaps I thought myself linked to her sorrow in some way that would draw me to her. But I had been starved of her touch for so long now that I was employing a new tactic. She would hear of the killings. She would have to somehow. She would hear the rumours and know that there was no fury on earth that could match my own. She would have to hope, to wonder at least of the feverish recounts, from the few survivors I left, about the shadow that blocked the sun and signalled impending doom for whatever pitiful prey it had locked in the line of its deadly golden gaze.

For that was what I was without her, nothing but a shadow. I had nothing physical to hold me to this earth. I was a shadow that consumed everything it cloaked in fire. And death.

Such was the day that I saw him. That Water Sprite. Ambrose. The one who had tried to take her from me while my memories of her were not my own.

I had walked up to what was left of the railing of the ship I had just incinerated and looked down at him in contempt. He was difficult to spot, in his natural form, but I could see him, his fear drenched the air around him and I could smell it. 

I had felt no emotion but hate and rage for a long time, but now there was one more to add to the mix. Jealously. Of the way that she had looked at him. Of how he had made her laugh in delight as they sat around the campfire in the Earth Kingdom, while I was tied up and cuffed, contemplating my hatred for her, a hatred I now knew to be false. Nothing but a lie. 

He had tainted my memory of her and there was nothing more than I wanted at that moment than for him to be wiped clean off the face of the Earth. I felt Zarska burst out from within, her form taking over my body and we lunged for him, but he was too quick, melting back into the ocean where we could not see him. 

But I could still feel his mind. My words forced their way into his head and there I installed the seed of terror with the promise of death. 

I am coming for you Ambrose.

He was looking for her too no doubt and he had the advantage of being a creature of the ocean, of knowing it inside and out. But he would not be able to delay the importance of conveying what he had seen. He would have to put off his search for the moment, and I would find her first. 

And after I had found her, I would stay true to my word. I would burn them all. 



So I know that this is a short 'chapter,' which is why I made Chapter 3 have two parts because Obsidian Bones doesn't share his chapters with anyone no matter how small they are, and it just didn't seem right to have him share it with anyone else <3 

Love Daisy xx

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