chapter six

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"Pretty please, can you come to semi with me?" Adena was whining on her knees, on the floor of the school cafeteria. "You'd enjoy yourself so much, I'll make sure of it!"

Sahara held onto the forearm of her small friend, her round eyes begging for Adena to stand up before people began noticing. Adena got up, off of her knees realizing how antsy Sahara was getting.

Sahara sighed, happy that her friend complied. She picked at the rest of the pasta she brought for lunch. "I've been to one before. And I'm okay with going to just that."

Adena scoffed. "Sar, you can't be fuckin' serious?" Adena stared at her annoyingly, taking a sip from her apple juice. "That time doesn't count. We didn't, even, get in."

Sahara lowered her head in shame, hoping Adena forgot that part. Adena was so drunk, before, they even got a chance to get into the club.

It was hard to say no to Adena. Not that she was a controlling bitch, but that she was a controlling sweetheart. It also helped, that she's just barely, over five foot and that she resembled a ten year old. With her tanned Italian complexion, and huge, animated brown eyes, she always appeared to have this sense of innocence and delicateness.

But, that was far from her personality. Adena was known for starting problems, but she usually knew how to talk her way out of them -- sometimes.

Sahara tried not to keep eye contact. She loved her friend to death, but sometimes she had difficulties saying no to her. "Well, I don't know. I have to catch up on my business, which I've missed so much from my soccer tournaments." Sahara trailed off as her eyes searched for any distraction from this conversation. "School doesn't come easy to me, as it does for you, y'know."

Adena scoffs. "I can help you with it," she says, waving her off. "I'm a great, fuckin' teacher. Promise."

"Plus, there's gonna to be so many hot guys there. Every colour of the rainbow if you know what I mean," she says nudging Sahara in the side, making Sahara feel slightly uncomfortable.

"So?" Adena clasped her hands together tightly, hoping her friend would change her mind. Sahara sighed, and Adena squealed knowing well that her friend was going to give in.

"Fine! But you better help me Adena. I can't afford to receive a bad mark in that class," Sahara says worriedly.

Sahara had to keep up with her grades or St. Gorges University would revoke her scholarship. Both, she and Russell were riding on scholarships for their post secondary studies. But, unlike Russell, Sahara didn't have the brains to keep up with her school work like he did. Which is one of the reason why she's constantly competing with him to be the better athlete. Even though they weren't twins, they were always treated as if they were.

Adena nodded her head excitedly, her dark, curly bob bouncing. "Of course bella!"

Sahara takes a sip from her water. "What's the plan for next Thursday?"

Adena sets down her iPhone, before sharing the plan. "Well," she marveled in the most posh-iest English accent that she could, rubbing her wet, lip-glossed lips together. "We're all: you, Lori, Jenny, Monica, and I, are going to meet in the front, after school."

"Afterwards, we'll head to Jenny's house to change, because she lives much closer to the club. And then bus it to the club." Adena finished with a proud smile on her face.

"Why are we bussing it there? Doesn't Monica have a car?" Sahara said with a look of confusion, then plopping a pasta into her mouth.

"Yeah, but she was caught with a boy in her bedroom. So, she lost all her car privileges.

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