chapter fifteen

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At the end of the day, Sahara grabbed the last few books she needed for homework before she went to meet up with Adena at her locker. As soon as she shut her locker, she was frightened by the girl that stood against the lockers beside hers.

Sahara held her chest, "You scared me!"

Adena giggled, "Jeez, didn't mean to Sar. We should hurry to catch the next bus," she replied, slinging the tribal printed bag over her shoulders, checking her silver watchlet that clinged to her small wrist.

Today, the two girls, were going shopping for something to wear for the Richmond semi. Sahara tried to convince Adena that she'll just find something from her closet but Adena wasn't having it. Adena ended up winning the battle -- as usual, by paying for Sahara's outfit as a late birthday present, even though she already gave Sahara a birthday gift.

"No need. My dad let me drive his car today!" Sahara says, closing her locker and turning to see Adena with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Um...and so you're..." Adena steadily poked Sahara as if to check if she was real, gasping. "You're not a fuckin' ghost?"

Sahara purses her lips, rolling her eyes lightly. "I'm not, that bad. Gosh!" She grabbed her friend's arm, leading her to the parking lot doors. "Let's go bubs!"

The girls occupied the front seats, throwing their bags in the back. Sahara's phone rings as she puts the key in the car's engine.

"Y'hello?" Sahara says to the caller.

"Where are you?" Russell asks annoyingly. "We're here, waiting at your locker."

Sahara slapped her forehead, remembering that she forgot to tell her brothers about her after school plans. "Sorry Russ. I'm busy now. You guys have to take the bus home."

She heard her brother mutter a few obscenities, and then relayed the message to, whom she assumed was Teo.

"You suck Sahara," Russell grumbles, then hung up the phone.

Sahara nose wrinkled, annoyed by Russell's rudeness. Now, she didn't feel so bad about him taking the bus. Too bad sweet ol' Teo had to suffer. She quickly sent a text to Teo saying how sorry for the inconvenience, in which he was cool with it.

"Ready to go?" Sahara says, facing Adena who had her head planted into a magazine.

"Fo'shizzle bella," she mumbles, chucking up the peace sign.

Sahara pulled out of the parking lot, as Adena grasped her magazine tighter with each bump.


They've arrived at Clairin Bridge Mall, entering the automatic motion doors, already being greeted by the smell of caramel and crying children.

Adena's eyes open with joy as she spotted the cute blonde boy at the cell phone kiosk.

"Wait a minute Sar." Adena pulls out her iPhone, checking herself in the camera and then strutted towards the boy.

Sahara went off to a close by kiosk, pretending to take interest in the items, but instead she watched her flirty friend, easily sweet talk the blonde boy. They looked as if they knew each other, so Sahara began racking her mind to see if

Adena ever brought up this boy.

Sahara shook her head, not bothering with that, as Adena spoke about so many guys daily-- more than Sahara can count on both hands.

"Can I help you," a low, gravelly male voice asks Sahara. She yelped, turning around to see a young guy staring back at her with a slight, alarming look in his bright, brown eyes.

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