chapter seventeen

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Sahara's mouth dropped slightly as she trailed her mom's car behind Daniel's truck. The houses were massive. She knew Daniel had money, but she didn't imagine it to be this much.

"Holy shit. This nigga is living in cash." Sahara nodded as they continued to drive pass rows of Victorian and Californian-style houses. She isn't even sure that these are even considered houses. More like mansions.

"Goals," CJ murmured, pointing at the houses. "Keep your eye on the goal."

They finally pulled up to a large, wide driveway that leads to a courtyard that had access to three parking garages. Sahara parked the car, feeling inconsiderably intimidating staring up at the grand Spanish-style home.

It held much elegance to it, from its arched openings to the burnt red tiled roof. CJ and Sahara exit the car with their backpacks and walked towards the door where Daniel and Rachel stood. Daniel unlocked the door allowing his guests to enter first. He watched as Sahara nervously walked through the doorway, and he couldn't help but check out her ass.

If a girl is wearing yoga pants, it only means an invitation to look. It would be rude of me not to look, he thinks, a grin creeping his lips.

"Alright, living room, the first right. An empty kitchen, straight ahead. And the bathroom is upstairs. I'm ordering pizza," Daniel states, running up the stairs two at a time.

Rachel made a beeline to the living room. "C'mon guys." CJ and Sahara followed her to the living room.

The living room was open with an oversized, wrought iron chandelier hanging as a beautiful centerpiece. There was detailing of gold embellishes throughout the earth tone colour palette of the room, radiating a sense of exotic atmosphere.

CJ threw himself into a Irish green chaise as he began looking through his bag, pulling out his binder. Sahara took a seat on the couch, nursing her backpack in her lap.

Daniel came back down and into the living. "How bout some pizza?" He looks around the room with eager eyes.

"Yes! Didn't even have lunch today," CJ beamed, his head thrown back as he held his stomach.

"Okay!" Daniel cheers, picking up his iPhone. "What kind of toppings?"

"Anything, but fuckin' fish," CJ answers, his round nose wrinkling.


Rachel searched through one of the many bags she brought with her. "Just cheese, thank you."

"Okay. And, Sahara?" He stared expectantly at her from the room's door opening.

"I'm good with anything," she says with a shrug. At this point, she'll eat pizza with beetles, if that means getting something to satisfy the hunger she was feeling.

"Alright. I'll go order it," Daniel says with the phone to his ear, stepping out of the room.

"So, what you got planned?" CJ asked, crossing his long legs at the ankle on the chaise.

Rachel blew out a breath, picking up an old, royal-looking purple dress. She put the dress against her body, a small smile dancing against her pink, glossy lips. Sahara could never understand how they were always glossy.

"I was thinking," she said, standing up, doing a quick twirl with the dress. "We should do an interpretive reenactment of sorts."

CJ's face grimaced, "Hell, no!" Rachel lips fell and her green eyes became slits.

"Well now, you don't really have an option, fortunately," she retorts with a shrug, folding the dress. CJ bolted up from the chaise, resting his elbows onto his knees.

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