Part 1

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"Garrett stop staring at that girls ass and listen to me for once!!" I yelled across the table at him slapping his drink away on to the floor  causing a scene in the food court "aye I don't know what yo problem been lately but you need to fix it " he said rolling his eyes looking back at the group of girls walking past us . You know I'm sick and tired of his shit I pick up my drink ,open the top and throw the soda on him.

"Don't  fucking call me matter fact lose my number bastard " I yelled at him gathering my things prepared to walk away "who you talking to like that Kalani throwing drinks on me and shit ?!" Garrett said grabbing my hand squeezing it as tight as he could . Garrett never hit me before but I sure as hell don't put anything pass him from the ways he's been acting lately , snatching my hand out of his grip .

I speed walk to my car on my way there I bumped into someone "I'm sorry-" , "lil mama watch where the hell you going" the boy spat back as I prepared to come back with my slick comment he walked away what's up with people and there snobby attitudes lately .

On my way home I decided to stop by the grocery store .I've been driving around for about 2 hours 3 weeks until graduation , Garrett changing , my parents on my case about college I just want this day over with maybe some food will help.  Pulling up at Martins I hop out my car I walked into The store to the candy isle grabbing a pack of twizzlers , sour patches , and sweet tart chewys .

Kinda in a fruit mood I walk to the fruit isle and grab 5 apple and caramel snack packs and one mixed fruit wow .. For Martins to advertise low prices this fruit sure is high as hell . I then make my way to the check out . Ugh ! Every time I come here these lines are jam packed ! I sighed and looked around for a shorter lane . Ah ! Finally I said mentally making my way to lane 3.

"Welcome to Martins sweetie you find everything okay?" The lady asked ringing up my things " yes thanks for asking" I said smiling while reaching into my wallet for my card. "August boy! Wake up and bag her things " she yelled at the bagger beside her "Man carol why you always gotta yell at me I just was thinking that's all " he said glaring at her and putting my things in the bag handing her my card I automatically get déjà vu hey that's the same voice I heard from the mall today ?

"Would you like me to take your bags outside for you ma ?" He spoke sounding annoyed with the fact I wasn't  paying attention "oh um no I think I got it thank you anyways ." I fake smile and start to walk away he looks so tired and worn out still gives him no reason to be a total ass towards someone .

(( okaaayy so this is the first part up I kinda wanted to try a different writing style since my last book hope you guys like it I will update whenever I get a chance btw that's Garrett in the picture . XO))

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