Part 11

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Kalani POV /5 hours later
Tossing in my chair I plug my head phones in after hearing the pilot said we would be landing in 10 minutes . Taking out my phone I take a picture of the view to post on Instagram . "Look at best friend " August said to the snap chat camera , taking my headphones out . "Nigga she's my best friend " Serenity yelled from two rows across from us .

"So we're best friends now?" I ask laughing at serenity . "Nah , I don't like you that much" he said shrugging , I gasp and push his shoulder . Aug and I always play like this , he usually calls me bestfriend to piss off serenity . "I'm joking damn , you do got an arm on you " he replied chuckling .

"I told you bro " Ronnie said laughing and looking up from his phone , we all got seats close to each other . They're always are picking on me . "I guess it's always picking on kalani , assholes " I say rolling my eyes laying my head back . "Landing less than 7 minutes , but while we're up here take a look outside at that view . Welcome to Los Angeles California folks!" The pilot said over the intercom .

Smiling I look outside enjoying the view ,  all I could really see were tall buildings and the staples center but the lower we got and the more beautiful things got.

August POV
Snapping a pic of the view I post it on IG with the caption 'LA✈️' . Kalani got me hooked on this thing now , I watch as my screen instantly light up with likes. As I pick up my stuff we began to land. Damn this a rough ass landing no one ever warned me of this . "yo we need to get some food once we get off this plane , I'm hungry as fuck" chris said rubbing his stomach .

Shit he not wrong this airplane food not for me . "Hell yeah , did you even eat that cookie she gave you ?" I asked tying up my head phones . "Yes and I wish I didn't that shit had nuts in it " he said rolling his eyes . Laughing at him I look around and see we had landed . Standing up I grab my stuff letting Kalani out as we make our way out of the plane . Damn these people waste no time to get off .

"I could use me some chipotle "Ronnie said stretching as we walked into the airport . Pulling out my phone I look at the time, 11:00, I Hate to burst y'all bubbles but it's 11:00 we suppose to be there by 11:30 there ain't no time to eat" I say shaking my head I love LA already but its hot as hell . "I'll call the cab" serenity said putting her phone up to her ear .

25 minutes later
Now we're on our way to UCLA this nigga got 5 minutes before we late , I don't see how it takes 25 minutes for a can to come . Turning the corner we see him drive past the UCLA sign stopping in front . "Thanks "Ron said handing him some money making his way out the truck . "que tengas un buen dia" he replied smiling . "What you call me ?" Ronnie said stopping making us laugh . Pushing him I say "man just get out "

Getting out I see blue and yellow balloons , people laying on towels in the grass ,and others pushing around a UCLA bin with their stuff in in ."I'm loving this already " Chris says watching a girl walk pass . He's setting hisself up for a one way ticket to ass beat central. "Hello are you guys moving in dorms today ?" An middle aged woman said with a big smile .

"Uh yeah " I say speaking for us since everyone else were either taking pictures or looking around ."hi I'm Ms.Doyle what's your name sweetie ?" , "August alsina" . "oh you're roomed with Christopher brown I don't see him signed in , so you ma- ." Cutting her off Chris cuts in and says "I'm Chris" , oh well wonderful you get a dorm with your buddy . staring at book like I was reading , I block out on the rest she was saying . She got annoying .

"Now you guys are in dorm 332 . If you all have any luggage feel free to take one of our bins to help out some of the load just bring keep it on the hallway outside of the door after you're done someone will come pick it up .read over the book if you need any questions answered " . Damn did she breathe , fake smiling I take the key from her and roll my eyes .

Kalani POV
It looks so fun here , like a dream school . "I'm sure you came with them , so I hope you heard what I just said " she says smiling reaching down to get a introduction book . Smart ass "call us when Yall get settled in the rooms , the U-haul should be here by 5 with our stuff " August said twisting the key on his finger .

"Alright " I said as they began to walk off "Ronnie you haven't got what dorm your in yet !" I yell at him "my coach texted me it while we were on the plane " nodding I see him hold up his key that he took from the table chuckling shoo him away , that boy is something else . "Names please?"

30 minutes later
"425, 425 ,425 - oh here it is " I says stopping at my dorm ." You're 425, I'm 424 right across the hall " . We didn't exactly get the same dorm
But we were lucky enough to I get across the hall from each other . "I'll walk you in , to make sure this Natalie hoe not crazy " she replied as she unlocked my door walking in .

As we walk in we see a girl humming while making a bed . "Um... Excuse me ?" I say trying to get her attention . Continuing to him and make the bed I walk over and tap her shoulder making her turn around . "Oh I'm so sorry about that " she said taking off her earbuds and smiling .Well she seems nice so far . "I'm Kalani your roommate and this is serenity my best friend . You must be Natalie ?"I said holding out my hand out .

Completely ignoring it she hugs me and serenity instead . "sorry I'm a hugger but Yup that's me "she replied smiling . "Lani I'll see you in a few let me go meet my roommate and call August to tell him were ready . It was nice meeting you Natalie , I love you Lani bye!" She said walking out closing the door . I know what she's going to do , she's about to take nap . Laughing I began to make conversation with my new Roomie  .

"So is this a good school?" I ask , climbing the ladder to my bunk sitting down . " I'm a freshman just like you so I don't know a lot but my brother has been going here for 3 years now and it's fun to him the people are cool he says . Don't let that fool you its whores all up the floor around here . The biggest one is keana " she replied rolling her eyes , laying back on her bed . " keana? " , "ugh queen hoe my brother went with her and she cheated on him with 2 other people and tried to l-" cutting her off my phone rang .

August . "Helloo" I said answering my phone "wassam Yall ready ?" He asks as I hear fumbling in the background . The hell ., looking at Natalie I reply yes . "Meet us downstairs by the elevator then - Chris move ! " he yelled as the phone hung up . Okay then laughing I turn back to a confused Natalie "boyfriend ?" She asks smirking . "Nope just friends, but serenity and I are about to meet our friends downstairs to get food you want to come ?" I say hopping down from my bunk "yes please , I haven't eaten all day " she replied getting up and putting her sandals on . I think we're going to get along very well .

(( finally where I want to be . But another chapter tomorrow I'm going to try to update everyday whether I have to stay up late or not . Natalie in the pic . Love you guys !! XO ))

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