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*Vilu pov*
I woke up when I felt a kiss on my head. I open my eyes and see one and only leon. My lower part of the body felt a bit sore wied was it meant to. But I hope leon forgot what I told him last night would he still remember. I hope he won't want to know the name of the person. I cant tell him the person that raped me last year was his brother. I cant tell him it was Tomas he will get super made at me that I didn't tell him and he will like kill Tomas.

L: Sorry i didn't want to wake you up Angel.- even now he's so sweet and he's worried about waking me up such a cutie.

Me: it's ok handsome when did you manage to bring me home.- i ask as I look around the room and then back at him.

L: Well actually I just brote you in then. I told your mum I'll bring you to your room cause I don't want to wake you up, she seems pretty cool.- he met my mum and she didn't give him a lecture yet Omg that's like amazing cause usually nothing would stop her from giving one.

Me: and she was totally fine with everything even with that I just came home.- i said not believing him this is like amazing.

L: Yes Why is this good or bad cause I don't get it.- he was getting worried and I just grinned like a freak and jumped up to grab his neck and hug him tight then I pulled away and kissed him.

Me: Actually it's like amazing I never fort she would react like that.- I said all happy and giddy I can't belive that you can see all of his pearcings and some tattos and she fine. Haven't kicked him out straight away nor gave him a lecture or a warning.

L: And Why is that.- He asked still being confused about what I was so exited about.

Me: It's because that means she doesn't mind me going out with you if she did. She would first of all kick you out straight away and then tell you to keep away from me and all those things give you a lecture about hoe your going to suffer if you come anywhere near me and over stuff. Plus I would probably never leave the house again.↔ as I finished he had a massive smile I gess you don't always get told these stuff do you.

L; That's just amazing I fort it would be a lot harder. But I still have nothing to be happy about cause I haven't faced your father yet and I gess cause he's your father he's tbe worst out of them both.- he said getting worried again but he was wrong.

Me: Actually in my family my mum is worse then my dad. My dad will just give you a warning and become really friendly like really but if for some reason my mum doesn't then we have a problem cause belive me if she had to chase you to the other end of the world because of a stupid thing she onicly would. My dad would be more of a type that would try to get use together if he sees that I'm happy with you even if my mom deagres.- after I finished I looked at him closely and you could see the confusion in his eyes but you could tell that he wasn't that stressed anymore cause he git the worse over him.

L; Well i gess that's good then but I have to admit I am scared of your mum just a tiny winy bit but don't dear telling any one.- he smiles and o chuckled cause of what he said.

Me: Well do you want to stay at mine today we could watch some stuff and over things.- i asked and when I was looking at him I could tell he wanted to ask me something but I didn't know what.

L: only if you answer my question.- he said really Serously.

Me: ok what is it?

L: Who was it that raped you last year.- he asked without any emotions but I did say I will so I have to but I can't.

Me; leon i just ca- he cut me of before I could finish.

L: I wont get annoyed and if I know them I promise I won't do anything to them.- i sign and take a deep breath and I'm going to tell him. I have to but i'm still really scared what his reaction is going to be.

Me: Leon it was your brother Tomas.-  i mumbled but i think he heard it cause his face turned bright red and you could litterly see anger in his eyes.

*Leons POV*

That fucking twat I can't belive it was him that did it to hr. Even thoug i promissed her i wont i fucking will kill him, lat year her did tell me that he hucked up with some girl for one night but he didn't tell me anything else so i gess it was my vilu. How could he shes so freaking inecent. I could feel my self burning up after Vilu told me that and i sore that she was looking at me with fightened eyes, She was scared of me again. I need to calm down...........Leon chill...........I look at her and grab her face in my hands and with my thumb slightly rubbed her cheek, her expresion changed from frightened to a calm and cute one. How could anyone hurt her shes such a cutie..............I'm seriously going to get my brother and kill him when i get hometoday cause thats when he's coming back from New York................. cause no one but no one hurts my angel! AND if they do they pay for it and it doesn't matter if he's by brother or not!

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