question 7

594 20 3

Chanbien: I dare masky and Toby to sing let it go.

Me: *tackles Richard and puts ear buds in his ear* *hand cuffs him to the kitchen table*

Toby and Tim:
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
(I'm Srry, I don't know the rest.)

Me: thank u so much for the dare. X3 luv u guys. Plz ask more questions.

Toby: guess who made waffles!!!

Brian: *sigh* but I don't want waffles!!!

Toby: whaaaaaaaa!!!whaaaaaaaa!!!whaaaaaaaa!!!

Brian: fine I will have some waffles!!

Toby: XD

(Lol I do not own that. It was on a video I watched.)

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