good news!!

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  Yay! I didn't go to that dreaded hell hole! And I got a Sebastian plushy! So to celebrate my survival and new stufty (I reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy like to cuddle!) I'll tell you my very weird dream I had last night!

  Ok so for some reason I was on a farm. I lived there and I had several sisters and brothers. So I went to the hospital and found out that my lungs had been taken out when I was younger and had been kept at the hospital since. They had to do surgery on me and they folded my stomach for some reason. I remember them not giving me sleep medicine and I was watching them do this to me. Then I went back to the farm and put my school uniform on and went to school. Oh I should probably mention that they said I probably wouldn't live. Ok so I remember seeing my friend anika at school and she got transfered to my science class. Then I remember my teacher opening the door. Then I was in a car holding my OWN LUNGS!!! So then we went back to the weird farm and someone hits me in the stomach. It made a weird hole in my stomach. Like you could ACTUALLY SEE MY INSIDES !!! Then this fire ball came flying towards us! It hits the ground and I go flying in the air! I was told AGAIN that I had no chance of survival. Then I remember playing halo with my cousin and her dying on purpose. Then I went to a book store and read all the anime. Why was The Little Mermaid in the anime section??? I mean my middle name is Ariel but I don't think that has anything to do with it. Then apparently I was in my gmas car driving to my mom's and step dads old house and telling her about my dream. Then I woke up.

Wow ummmmmmm that was probably the weirdest dream ever. And my gma just told me I can't live without my lungs so yea I'm just gonna go. ... probably not do my homework. Bia my love's!

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