Chapter Thirty-Four

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So sorry my love's, I made an author's error that I hadn't noticed until all of your comments in the last chapter: "I let Hana lead me away," (I believe that's correct) was supposed to be Lance, not Hana! I've tried to fix it but for some reason, it won't save the new edited copy. I must have been thinking about Hana what I wrote that- he is one of my favorite characters I've created and I dearly enjoy writing him, so believe me when I say I don't like any harm coming to him either! Quarrels of becoming a good author: sometimes characters need to die (Jensen) and others need to go through certain hardships to become aligned with the plot and to help build on their character or the character of others. P.s. Hana Is pronounced Ha-a-na, the a is long.

Also, I sign the "A." At the bottom of each authors note because my first name begins with an A... I don't even watch pretty little liers, sorry! Purely coincidence there.
Now, on with the show!


Lyra's POV

I can only imagine what my face must look like as I stare, mouth partially agape, at Prince Sam. "Y-your serious, aren't you? This isn't some sort of mental joke?" I ask hopefully.

He keeps his piercing gaze trained on me, his face never changing into something that would give me a hint as to this being made up. He slowly shakes his head at my questions, face as serious as death.

I swallow, and look to my brother, who is leering at Sam in a way that a Knight would never be permitted to do in the direction of a Prince. He must really not work for him, then. Perhaps they are partners? They seem to irk each other a great deal.

Lance looks to me, his face showing his mental anguish. "Lyra, I am so sorry-"

I stand slowly, and begin to pace the floor with cautious steps, wringing my hands as I try to comprehend what I've been told.
"Why should you be concerned if I live or die? What is in all of this for you?"

Lance shakes his head. "Child, you must know that I joined this conspiracy to protect you. I only lied to shield you from this evil."

I cast him a poisonous look. "The question was directed at Sam. I don't want to hear of your excuses anymore, Lance. I've heard enough of them since you've returned to make me sick."

I haven't called him by his name with that tone of voice in a long while, and the shock is evident on his features. He looks at me a long moment, before hanging his head with what I decipher as shame, and falls silent.

"You shouldn't be so hard on him, he was trying to- "

"Protect me, yes, yes, I know." I rudely interrupt Sam, throwing my hands up with irritation. This night is suffocating me and I feel the stale air settling with irritation and short fuses.

"I've got my reasons, and I like my privacy." Sam brushes his hair back and starts for my door after staring at me a few beats without another word, as I am trying to come up with something to say.

I pause my pacing. "Wait, where are you going? You can't dump a load like this on me and just leave!" I shout, holding my hands up with disbelief.

He pauses, hand on the door frame and looks over his shoulder at me. "I will go oversee the interrogation of the prisoner and check on Jensen's body. I take it you would like to call in any family he had?"

I become very quiet as I nod, my heated gaze dropping. "Yes." Any anger I just had fizzles out with the smoke of a water logged fire. It is hard to remember that I should be upset with Sam when he's promised to do what he has. None of this is his burden, yet he's taken it upon his shoulders like it is his to own. Perhaps he is more considerate that I first thought.

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