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        (A/N) - Hey guys! So I'm finally back. I have some ideas for the story now, and I've decided I will be continuing to go along with the TV series (So spoilers, if you haven't seen anything with Annie, I'd recommend watching the show before continuing) and I will eventually be going along the manga series, so you should read that as well! XD 

Also, I am going to start doing POV's, I find it makes the story more interesting when you get everyone's view. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

     *The Next Morning* (Your POV)

     I sat up in the all too familiar infirmary bed, bringing my hand to my bandaged head. Blinking to rid the blindness from my eyes, I tried to focus on the room around me. Gaining full consciousness, I stand and my feet hit the cold wooden floors. Walking confidently over, I grab the clothes that had been neatly folded on a chair and begin to strip from my gown. I gazed down at the blood soaked bandages, 'I oughta' change out of these' I began to unwrap them from my body, only to realize that the bruising and cuts weren't there. 'Strange, maybe on my sides?' I thought, very confused, and inspected my stomach and legs. 'They're all gone! All of my injuries!'

     Suddenly the door flung open and there stood Armin, a tray containing bland cafeteria oatmeal, a sad looking apple, and the usual cup of water. His face grew ever so flustered as he realized I was only in a bra and underwear. I, too, looked back at him, slowly realizing the situation, and i snatched a blanket and wrapped it around my body. "Privacy!!!" I yelled and he quickly turned tail and ran out of the room while shutting the door. I heard an "Oof" outside and glass breaking. I simply shook my head and made my way to the shower.

*Armin's POV*

     I could feel my face growing hot as I tried to wrap my mind around the situation. (F/N) was standing in front of me, mostly naked, before my eyes. My feet felt like they were glued to the floor until she yelled "Privacy!!!" I turned out into the hall and slammed shut the door behind me, only to trip over my own feet and fall face-first into her breakfast. Landing with a thud, I was dazed for a minute. Wiping the oatmeal off of my face, I stood on unsteady feet, only to come face-to-face with none other than Captain grumpy himself, Levi.

     He tapped his foot impatiently, "Tch, filthy, go clean yourself up. " He said and turned to walk back the way he had come. "You're cleaning this floor for the next week, every day, by yourself. If I catch them helping you, you will both be punished." Levi told him as he walked away. "Yes sir." Armin responded, knowing better than to backtalk.


     After cleaning myself up, along with the mess in the hallway, I quickly returned to the cafeteria to retrieve what little food was left, I then headed back to (F/N)'s room in the infirmary. I knocked lightly on the door, "Come in" came a muffled response. I cautiously walked in, my eyes glued to the floor the entire time. "I-I'm so s-sorry I just came to b-bring you food and you w-were asleep when I was last in here s-so I th-thought yo-" (F/N) silenced me by covering my mouth with her hand, I inhaled sharply at the gesture. Noticing her hand smelled of soap, I know she had just finished getting out of the shower. I didn't dare lift my gaze from the tray I held.

     "It's fine, no harm done. Thank you for knocking when you came in this time." She giggled slightly and removed her hand, she grabbed the tray and brought it to a chair, where she sat and set it on her lap. "Thanks for the food too!" I finally looked up, "Y-yeah, it was nothing." I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. I suddenly realized something, "Wait, why are you even standing, let alone moving around?! You have severe injuries, and you've rested for barely a day!" She shrugged her shoulders and set her spoon back down on her tray. "Had injuries, I checked and nothing is there! No bruising, no cuts, nothing. " 

     I tried to wrap my mind around the situation, "But that's not even physically possible, unless..." My mind trailed back to Eren. Being that he was part titan, Eren had the ability to heal fast, even out of titan form. When Levi knocked Eren's tooth out in court, it was grown back within an hour. Maybe... just maybe.... (F/N) is a titan-shifter?

(A/N) - Haha sort of a cliffhanger! Don't hurt me! XD I'll either be updating again today or tomorrow, so don't worry! More is on the way! Apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I didn't have time to review this chapter.

Before the End - Armin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now