Chapter 2

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(Reader's PoV)

I decided to start my plan by asking the other people who tried to take over Hyrule how their plan went wrong. I decided to ask Ganondorf first.

I started to pack food, water, and an extra (f/c) tunic. I then went to the stables and picked out a black horse with a white star around her eye. Her name was (h/n) and she was the fastest horse in the village. I then put on my black cloak and put the hood up. Getting on (h/n) and started riding to Ganondorf's castle.

(Time skip to arrival)

When I arrived at Ganondorf's castle I knocked on the door. A guard opened the door and asked, "What is your business here?"

"I'm here to ask Ganondorf a question," I answered. The guard looked at me suspiciously since I still had the cloak and hood on over me but decided to lead me inside after a minute. The guard led me to a giant throne and siting on the throne was Ganondorf himself. I got on my knee and bowed to him to show I don't mean any disrespect.

"You may rise," Ganondorf said. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to ask why your plans to take over Hyrule failed," I said standing. I still had my cloak on with the hood hiding my face.

"Why do you want to know?" Ganondorf questioned.

"I am very curious on why they failed," I answered.

"If you most know it was because of Link," Ganondorf answered. "That is how all the plans fail for us who have tried to take over Hyrule except one. Now who are you?"

"I'm Moon Night," I lied easily. "May I ask which plan didn't fail because of Link?"

"I don't know what the plan was but it was Dark Link's plan is all I know," Ganondorf replied.

"Thank you for your time and help," I said bowing again before leaving the castle. I got on (h/n) and started riding to Dark Link's castle.

(Time skip to next arrival)

When I arrived at Dark Link's castle I still had the cloak on with the hood up hiding my face. I got off (h/n) and walked up to the gate and knocked. A guard opened the door and asked, "What is your business here?"

"I'm here to ask Dark Link a question," I replied.

"Wait here," the guard said and closed the door I could here him walking away.

(Dark Link's PoV)

My guard came walking into the throne room when he did he bowed.

"Sir, a cloaked figure is outside wanting to ask you a question," the guard informed.

"Tell them to go away unless they have something to pay with to ask a question," I replied and watch the guard walk away.

(Reader's PoV)

When the guard came back he told me, "Dark Link does not wish to see you unless you have something to pay him with."

I stood there thinking, 'I have no rupees or valuables besides (h/n).' "I have a horse,"

"Good enough," the guard said. "Follow me." I followed the guard. He stopped when we passed another guard. "There's a horse outside take it to the stables," he told the guard then continued walking. After a bit of walking we came to a throne room. There sat a boy about 17. He had black hair and clothing, red eyes, and pale skin. I assumed he was Dark Link. When we entered I got on my knee and bowed to him.

"I thought I told you to send them away," Dark Link exclaimed.

"They payed you with a horse sir," the guard said.

"For one question?" Dark Link asked looking at me. "Stop bowing and get off the floor."

I stood up and answered, "Yes. I wanted to know how your plan to take over Hyrule failed."

"To know that a horse will not be enough!" Dark Link said enraged.

"I don't have anything else besides a little bit of food and water but I could work for you as long as I can keep my cloak and hood on," I bargained.

"Deal. You'll work here for two weeks," Dark Link agreed. "The reason my plan failed was because I got distracted."

"How?" I asked.

"If I answer you have to take your cloak off," Dark Link said smirking.

"Fine," I said taking off my cloak revealing the bruises from the man kicking me. When Dark Link saw this he was taken aback.

"What happened?" he asked curiously.

"My master beat me," I partially lied. "Now answer my question."

"Fine," Dark Link said shrugging. "I got distracted by my arrogance (over confidence in a plan) and forgot a step in my plan."

"Thank you," I said bowing again but making it short. "When do you want me start to work?" I started to put my cloak but Dark Link had gotten up without me noticing and stopped me.

"I don't think you'll need that anymore," He said.

"You're right," I said and took off the cloak revealing a simple (f/c) dress and the rest of my bruises but this time Dark Link wasn't taken aback.

"You'll also be wearing a uniform," Dark Link said smirking. He snapped hi fingers and a maid came running in with an outfit. Dark Link held the outfit up to show you a short gray t-shirt with a short black skirt. I looked at the maid but saw she wore a different outfit it was a simple black dress like you wore now.

"Fine," I said taking the clothes from Dark Link. 'I wonder why the maid is wearing a different outfit?' I thought.

Dark Link caught my curious look and said, "You're outfit is different because you'll be doing something else by yourself." Dark Link smirked at me. "Now get dressed."

I rolled my eyes and took off my boots. I slipped the skirt on under my dress. I then took off my dress off and saw Dark Link smirk again. I just rolled my eyes again and put the top on. The shirt showed my stomach and the skirt only came down to my wrists with my hands at my side. Dark Link was still smirking at me.

"What do you want me to do first?" I asked.

Darkness overtake (Dark Link x the reader)Where stories live. Discover now