Chapter 7

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(Reader's PoV)

I walked back into the throne room, where Dark Link was waiting impatiently.

"Where is Master (l/n)?!" Dark Link demanded.

"Your looking at her," I replied smirking.

Dark Link gave a small gasp and said, "You lied to me about your name. How could you?"

"Well I did and yet didn't lie about my name. You see my real name is (y/n) (l/n) but I prefer to be called Moon Night," I explained.

"I see," Dark Link said understanding. "So how is your plan coming along?"

"It was going pretty well and almost complete until you showed up," I answered. "Wait I have an idea that will fix the plan but it will only work if you help me."

"And why would I help you?" Dark Link questioned.

"Cause you get to beat Link up," I suggested.

Dark Link thought for a minute. "You have a deal but until then I get to stay here." He crossed his arms in a way of saying that his decision is finale.

"Whatever you say Princess," I replied smiling.

Dark Link frowned obviously annoyed. "Don't call me a princess."

"I can call you whatever I want. I'm the queen," I replied.

"Then who is the king? I must discuss your plan with him," Dark Link taunted.

I could feel a slight blush on my cheeks. "There is no king," I mumbled.

"Ah but there must be a king in order for there to be a queen," Dark Link informed. "Yet there can be a king without a queen. I wonder why."

I was about to argue back but the doors of the throne room burst open and standing in the door frame was Link sword in hand.

"Don't worry milady I'll save you from this horrid monster," Link said glaring at Dark Link.

"And who says I need rescuing," I retorted. "I can take care of myself just fine and to prove it I challenge you to a duel."

"I would never fight a maiden," Link said.

"What if the maiden is the one who took over Hyrule and not Dark Link?" I questioned. At this Link to fight me.

He would parry but I would block his attack. I then fainted to the left and then hit him with the flat of my sword and he fell unconscious.

I turned to Dark Link and said, "While you are here why don't you make yourself useful." I gestured to Link and picked his arms up. Dark Link came over and picked up his legs then we carried him to where Zelda and the king were.

Darkness overtake (Dark Link x the reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora