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"Kim Taeyeon what is your explanation?!" Mrs. Hyun rose her voice making everyone look back at me.

"Byun Baekhyun ma'am." I covered my mouth in embarrassment. With that silly action all eyes were laid on me. Even Baekhyun. UGH WHY KIM TAEYEON OUT OF ALL NAMES SAY HIS, COULD'VE SAID JUNGKOOK OR SOMETHING.

My classmates burst out in laughter, some even confused. It was only my friend who wasn't laughing. I laid my head on the table, embarrassed.

Mrs. Hyun was about to scold me for daydreaming in class but luckily the bell rung the moment she opened her mouth. I was sort of relieved it was time to go home but also disappointed in myself for what happened earlier.

"Okay class dismissed." She said. I walk out of the classroom and separate ways from Yoona. (Yes from GG)

I was about to approach my brother when suddenly Baekhyun popped out of nowhere causing me to trip from my own tracks. Probably because my shoes were untied. I expected to fall on the floor and hurt my face or something but I was surprised Baekhyun was fast enough to prevent me from falling on the floor. I looked up at him and he had that evil smirk on his face.

"Let go of me Baekhyun!" I struggled to escape from his tight grip.

"As you wish my lady." He said still smirking, I then dropped on the floor with a loud thud. I don't even know what's more irritating, the fact that he purposely hurt me or the fact that he called me his lady. Who says that? Apparently evil Baekhyun does. ( (:< ) Baekhyun and his "gang" laughed in unison. Oh how I despise this group so much I just want to chop them into little pieces and make a hungry wolves eat them. (Get it? Wolf? EXO? omygad I'm so punny.)

"Taeyeon are you okay?" I heard my brother call out the moment he saw me fall to the floor.

"Y-yeah I'm okay hyung." I said.

You're probably wondering why I said hyung instead of oppa. It's because once my mother gave birth to me, she passed away right after. My dad was in shock and he was depressed for many days. He never really experienced taking care of a girl besides mom so he didn't know what to do. He treated me like a boy and even though I am a girl. He said it was way easier that way, so I ended up calling Luhan, hyung and all other older close boys I meet. So yeah that's long story short. People call me a tomboy and I totally don't care. I think of me that way too. Because I dress like one, act like one, but I certainly don't look like one, but I think you gets, right?

Luhan hyung helped me up and glared at Baekhyun. (LUHAN IS THE BROTHER YEHET! But here, Luhan's older because if not then there wouldn't be really a point of Taeyeon being tomboy.)

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my sister?!" He said with furious eyes.

"Relax Luhan 'hyung'. She told me to let go of her anyways." He chuckled. I just glared at him, annoyed.

"Byun Baekhyun I will not accept-"

"Hyung it's okay, just forget about it," I said, putting one of my hands on his shoulder to calm him down. "I think we should go home, appa will get worried."

"This isn't the last time I'm talking with you about this Baekhyun." Baekhyun just laughed at what hyung said, as if he's brave enough to face my brother. I know deep inside he's scared of hyung. Me and Luhan hyung walked away heading home.

"If I wasn't that nice I would've beaten the life out of that guy." He joked.

"Hey that's not funny. You know what dad said about hurting other people-"

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