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A good day, the weather man had said. A great, fine, winter day. The light caused by the sun, shone through the bed room's blinds. It better be a fine day. I thought.

Day 1, it's today. The day me and Baekhyun expose our non-existent love for each other to the public. I had no plans for today, neither did Baekhyun. We both decided to go back to the coffee shop we've been to a few days ago.

From Byun Baekhyun
To Kim Taeyeon
Don't forget to wear the sweater I've bought for you. The ring should have been on your finger anyways so I don't need to tell you to put that on. See you later (:

Oh, Baekhyun.

From Kim Taeyeon
To Byun Baekhyun
Yes sir. Got that under control. What time should I be there?

From Byun Baekhyun
To Kim Taeyeon
Around 7. Dress up warmly, it's cold. And plus, don't cover too much the public needs to see us together.

From Kim Taeyeon
To Byun Baekhyun
Yes mom !

From Byun Baekhyun
To Kim Taeyeon
You mean boyfriend? Haha, have fun angel, see you later.

Oh jeez, Baekhyun. Stop.

I decided not to answer him back, leave him on screen. Since I have this day off I decided to call one of my close friends. I haven't hung out with him in a long time. I told him to meet me at the mall in a few minutes.

Getting ready is something I dislike doing. I'm sometimes just really lazy, and I don't even wanna go any where. But since I have no plans, I'll just enjoy today.

As I stepped into the shower, I heard the door to our house open. I quickly grabbed a towel. I was the only one home since dad is at work and Luhan is with a friend.

"Who is it!?" I said.

"Taeyeon? Is that you?" Baekhyun? What is he doing here?

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you get in my house?" I heard his foot steps getting louder, which means he's coming closer.

"Don't come here! I'm only in a towel!" I say, scared. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to pick you up since I don't want you going alone. I want to go to the mall with you." He said, looking at a picture of me and him when we were little. "You still kept this?" He looked at me.

"Well.. yeah."

"After all I made you go through?" He's right, he did make me go through.. a lot. Why do I have that picture still anyways?

"You know, that part of me is long gone. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry if I made you cry and hurt before. I didn't realize what I was doing. My father had told me everything and made me think of you and your family differently. I don't anymore, I know you're nice because I was your friend when we were only 9 years old. Hopefully we can still be friends?" He looked up and smiled, a real smile. Something I've never seen since I left his house with Luhan hyung, telling him I'd come back the next day. But never did.

I smiled back at him. "It's okay." We both just stood there, looking at each other's eyes. And I almost forgot that he did any harm to me. He was handsome, he was a beautiful person. He's sweet and- Park Eunhee is lucky. That such a man loves her, but she truly can't see that.

"Uh, Baekhyun? Can I shower first?" He starts laughing, "Of course. I'll just be here, don't worry I won't go inside."

I smiled before closing the door, I miss him. I miss his I love you's..


After lazily getting ready, I meet up with Baekhyun in my living room. He was looking at old photos of me and Luhan hyung. He came across another picture of him and I, and things were written around them and- shoot! That's when I liked him and I wrote all sorts of cheesy stuff. I tried my best to grab the album.

"Baekhyun give it to me!" I say struggling to get it.

"I have to see what it says first!" He said putting the album above his head, he was sitting down on the couch and so was I. I struggled to get it and tried my best not to fall over him. As soon as I almost got it-

I fell. So did Baekhyun. The couch flipped backwards and our positions were even more awkward. I was on top of him, and that's when my world stopped spinning. I once have heard a saying, "You know you've found the one when you have a slow-motion moment." But I heard the real one was, "You know you've found the one when - you see your future with them - a fast-forward moment." I did, I saw him and I together at a church. I saw him at the other end of the building, in a white tux, a red rose in the pocket, and his hair parted from the left. He looked gorgeous, I looked at him the way I did when I first met him. We just stood there, looking at each others eyes and- Why do I always get interrupted? The door clicked open and Mark stepped in.

"Noona? Taeyeo- What the hell are you doing? And who is this man?!" I quickly get off of Baekhyun, I bet he noticed my cheeks starting to heat up.

"Uh-Uhm. Mark, why are you early?" I asked while helping Baekhyun up.

"Early? Noona it's 1 PM already! You said 'meet me in a few minutes' I've been waiting outside for more than half an hour!" He said, madly, then glared at Baekhyun again. "Who's this."

"Mark, this is Baekhyun. Baekhyun, this is Mark." Baekhyun smiled at Mark but Mark's face remained serious.

"I-It was a misunderstanding sir-" I stared laughing.

"Baekhyun, don't call him sir. You're older than him"

"O-Oh I am? Well then, I'm sorry Mark. Are you her boyfriend?"

"No, I'm also one of her friends. We were supposed to go to the mall, but I guess not."

"No! We can still go. Baekhyun here was just about to go. Right, Baekhyun?" He looked at me with the what-the-hell-are-you-saying face. I looked him back with the just-go-with-it-and-ill-meet-you-later face. He bid good bye to the both of us and left.


Mark and I stepped foot in the mall, finally. There were too many paparazzi outside. I guess it's because I'm a trainee and Mark is part of the JYP group "GOT7". We were just about to by ice cream until Mark asked, "Are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" He lifted the newsletter. Me and Baekhyun was the front cover. He skimmed the article then looked back at me.

"What?" I asked, while finding a table for us to sit at. "I'll explain later." I lifted my face mask and pulled my hat so it can cover a little of me. Mark did the same. We found an empty table and sat down.

Explaining the whole thing without being confusing was complicated part. I had to repeat things a lot in order to make Mark understand the whole situation.

"Ooh, so are you guys dating?" He asked, dumbly.

"Oh my god Mark. No, we're not!" I said, annoyed already. He was then looking behind me, with a look on his face like he's telling me to look behind me.

"What?" I asked confused. I looked behind me and then I saw it. I saw Baekhyun with Eunhee.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 6 years. I've been busy with a lot of stuff and couldn't catch on lately. Anyways here's a really short chapter but it's good enough. Thanks for supporting even if I haven't been active at all!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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