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Sorry for not updating, ive been sorta busy lawl.
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; baekiesbacon



I choked on my food the minute father have told us.

"Moving?!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes. I'm sorry Tae, but we have to, we can't suffer to live in this country if no one in our family is working, and I can't afford seeing my little angels working just to live." Father said sounding very serious.

I sighed. "Fine but please let me at least bid my friends goodbye?" I asked.

"Of course sweetie, we leave tomorrow night so please start packing." He said as he stands up from his seat and begins to wash the dishes.

Silence came after that and no one talked until we said our goodnights. I walk upstairs and close the door to my room. I jump on my bed looking at the ceiling.

I wish this wouldn't happen, I said to myself. I wish it was all a dream.


Next day has come and I'm exhausted because I couldn't sleep last night. I was overthinking of what I should say to my friends... I wish I could stay. I hurried downstairs as I was tying my hair into a messy (but bootiful) bun. Luhan hyung was halfway done his breakfast.

"Hyung!! You didn't wait for me!" I say annoyed.

"Sorry I couldn't help it." He flashed a grin. I pinched his cheeks.

"Awh hyung looks so cuteee~" I say.

"Aish stop it. That hurts Tae." He says acting even more adorable.

"Look at my two little angels acting like little kids, how cute! But please stop it's hurting my eyes." Father said while coming down the stairs.

I stopped and blushed in embarrassment.

"Appaaa we were just fooling around. You know before we leave." I said.

"You could fool around wherever you want once we get to Korea. Our house is way bigger than this one." Appa said.

"There better be a basketball court." Hyung said.

"Of course."

"Appa seems to be really rich in Korea." I said.

"Of course! I'm pure Korean after all." He says trying to act cool by putting his shades on. This appa is literally the weirdest.

"Alright then... Me and hyung will get going then!" I say as we head out and close the door behind us.

"Father sure is coo-coo this morning." Hyung said.

"Tell me about it." I roll my eyes sarcastically while laughing.



"I'll miss you too." I said, hugging her.

"Just kidding I won't." She said with an evil smirk.

"Huh?" I say confused.

"I'm moving to South Korea TOOOOOOO." She said happily jumping up and down like a fangirl who just saw their idol.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I shout, shocked at the fact I won't be seperated with her.

"Yeessss. You see, my mom works with your dad." She stops jumping up and down and stares at me. "You didn't know right?"
This girl.. is freakin' crazy. Heck she's insane.


"Would've been better if you didn't know until you saw me at Korea but I couldn't keep the beans, I had to spill 'em." She said. Yep, insane.

"Whatever, let's just go inside our classroom." We were currently at our secret The-Bootiful-Garden-No-One-Goes-To Place and we couldn't hear the bell ring.

"Fine let's go."


"I'm sorry to hear that Ms. Kim, we will all miss you very much." Our teacher said after hearing the news about my leave. "And you too Yoona." Oh yeah and Yoona too. [ X'D ]

"Baekie will miss you too Taeyeon noona." I hear Baekhyun from behind the class. Everyon started laughing.

"Shut it cucumber, I will shove a brick down your throat if you don't shut it." I said looking back with an evil glare.

"Ohhhhhhh~" The class said in unison.

"Class please be quiet. Mr. Byun please don't hesitate to walk to the office whenever you feel like it." Our teacher said.

He just smirked. "But Ms. Hyun~~ I just told her I would miss her!" He said with a pouty face.

"Then Ms. Kim please apologize to Mr. Byun." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Baekie. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I say annoyed and returned to my seat right after. The class became silent after that. I could sense Baekhyun smirking even though I don't see his face.


The day came fast and I bid my goodbyes to everyone in the class and hugged my teacher. I hugged everyone in class except for Baekhyun's gang. Ugh I despise this group the most I could just puke on them.

I was about to head home alone since Luhan hyung was still hanging out with his friends. No one else was at school except for me, atleast I thought I was. I flinched because I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned around. I was currently at the garden alone.

"B-Baekhyun?" I said, confused and most definitely awkward.

"Taeyeon, I've been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been?" He said trying to catch his breath.

"I was about to head home but you startled me-"

"I'm sorry for everything Taeyeon. If you just knew.." I was surprised. Did Baekhyun just say that? Did that guy who bullied me since Kindergarten.. Did Byun freaking Bakehyun just say sorry?

"If I just knew what..?" I said, awkwardly.

"Taeyeon, I like you." He said with sincerity in his eyes. "As a matter of fact, I think I already love you" He said looking straight into my eyes. He leaned in for a kiss. It was short but full of love.

Heck Taeyeon what are you doing?! You're kissing a person who bullied you for years.

"Taeyeon?" I heard hyung's voice and Baekhyun's lips seperated from mine.



I think this is a reasonable update right? I went for a go for cliff hangers I guess it worked right? Mwahahaha.
Next update at 20+ views and 5 comments. ((:
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-pvppybaek/baekiebear; ig


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