My Anastasia

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After 5 hours of sitting on the plane, about to lose her mind thinking about Kayla and Anastasia. As she prayed to God for strength, she could only imagine what had happened. Remembering how Kayla entered her house the last time, she tried to prepare for the worse case scenario.

When she finally landed, she didn't let anyone stop her from reaching that hospital as fast as she could.. 

May: (Enters Kayla's room panting) Where is ... My God..

As she walked in, all she could see was uncountable cuts and bruises and covered all over Kayla's face, chest, and arms. She stood there paralyzed and started to feel arms wrap around her.

Jermaine: (whispers) The doctor said she'll be ok, we have to let her sleep.

Still a little paralyzed at what is before her eyes. She just stands there while the tears mingle with the sweat on he face.  Then it hit her :

May: Where is Anastasia ?

Jermaine: May...

May: Take me to her...

As he looks into her eyes, he is very hesitant, but she does not look like she taking no for an answer so he holds her hand and leads her to the end of the hall.. As they approach the door, May started to notice that his hands began to tremble in he grasp...

May: (Walks into the room) Why is Anastasia laying on her stomach ?

As she walks closer to her bed, she felt Jermaine's hand on her shoulder.

Jermaine: (Looks down) He slashed her back..

Her eyes widen to the huge gash in her back which extended from her left shoulder to the lower right if her back. Her eyes were puffy and it had seemed that she was gripping the pillow intensely before she went to sleep.

May couldn't even breathe. It's like the air refused to enter as she tried so hard to inhale. Her eyes widen and her hand covered her mouth in shock. As she left the strength in her legs give out, her knees hit the floor and the tears flowed.

Jermaine joined her on the floor and held her close. Not knowing what to say, he just sat that holding her close to his chest while her body pulsed from the crying. As he started to cry himself, he knew that he needed to do something. There was no way he was going to let some shit like this go. He had to find out who he is.

As he walks out the room, he had to come up with a plan to at least get the name of this punk.

Jermaine: (Walks up the service desk) Hello, I'm a friend of Kayla & Anastasia and I need your help.

Secretary: Hello, how can I help?

Jermaine: Do you know who her father is?

Secretary: I don't think we can give out that kind of information... Why?

Jermaine: Because... I need to tell him what happened... I think he should have the right to know.

Secretary: Well...

Jermaine: Come on.. If it was your girlfriend and daughter in the hospital like this... Wouldn't you want to know.

Secretary: We can call him..

Jermaine: No! ... No, I think it would be better coming from a friend. (Smiles)

Secretary: (Blushes a little) I guess you're right... Alright I'll see what I can do for you.. (Smiles and gets up)

Jermaine: Thank you.. (Turns around and sees May).. uh...

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