"Omw" (2)

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Jermaine's POV:

Jermaine, Kayla, Anastasia, Rosco, Mama Kay, Drake, and Tremaine (Trey Songz ) rush into the hospital as fast as they can.

Kayla: What room is Mahalah in?

Nurse: She's undergoing surgery right now. Can you guys please have a seat.

Jermaine: When will she be done?

Nurse: We can't tell..

Rosco: Is baby girl ok??

Nurse: Ok ok ok, I understand this is hard for you guys, but you have to have a seat. If any information is available I will tell you guys immediately.

Anastasia: (Looks at Jermaine) What's going on?

Jermaine: (Wipes tear away) I don't know.. I really don't know.

Jermaine to himself:
Sitting in that waiting room for those 30 minutes felt like years. Every time a nurse or a doctor walked by my eyes lit up, but none knew anything about Mahalah. Rosco was praying non stop in a corner with my mom. I think I even saw a tear from Drake. They might not got along all the time, but May was always there for Drake and cheered him on. May was always there for everyone. I still don't understand why someone would want to hurt my baby.

(T.D.E. Crew and Dr.Dre burst inside the hospital)

Ant: So where is she ?

Tremaine : (Speaks with his head down) Still undergoing surgery..

Quincy: Damn.. (Sits down) I swear if I find out who did this to my girl I will kill their ass!!

SZA: (Sits next to Q and holds his hand) Calm down Q, we will figure this out.

Mama Kay: Exactly, they already arrested the man that did it and they are trying to figure out who is behind this while as we speak.

Soul: (Clenches jaw) Fuck that.. I want blood shed.

Jermaine: (Looks Soul and nods)..

Andre: (Tries to change the subject).. You guys heard anything about how the surgery was going?

Kayla: (Shakes her head) Nothing.

Kendrick: Can we just call hold hands and pray..

Jay: Yeah.. Come on we need this more than ever. We got to put this in God's hands.

They all stand on their feet, holding each other's hands, and bowing their head while Rosco prays. He talks about May's character, her personality, and how she just brings happiness and understanding everywhere she goes. It seemed that no one could really hold back the tears. During the end of the prayer everyone says amen and hears an "ahem" behind them.

Jermaine: Yes?

Doctor: Mahalah is out of surgery, it went well but not well enough to say that she will be able to leave the hospital soon. She's a fighter, I'll give her that because during the surgery she could have died twice..

Kendrick: So she's going on live?

Doctor: (Smiles) Yes.

Rosco: Thank God!!

Drake: Yes! I wanted to work with her on a track.

Tremaine: (Glares at Drake).. Come on Drake before you're going to be in this hospital.

Jermaine: (Shakes his head).. Can we see her?

Doctor: All of you guys together would be too much. Maybe just 3 at a time.

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