Walk #54

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Chris Brown

"I'll be there later, Savannah." I said over the phone, walking into my apartment after school.

"I could just drive myself, baby."

"No. I want to pick you up. Okay? I'll be there in like two hours. Be ready."

"All right." She sighed.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

"I'll see you later." With that, I hung up the phone and scoped through the mail I had just brought in the house.

Most of them were junk, but one stood out to me since it was in red writing anyway. It was a letter from the U.S. Air Force.

"What?" I said throwing the rest of the mail to the side and staring at that particular one. Was this real?

I was so nervous to open it. I was hoping it'd say I'm in, no doubt. But it's not that easy, even if I got a letter from the place. But when I read it, it was actually the best thing I've read in my entire life.

"Guys, look at this!" I said running into my parents' house. I had to show them the good news.

"What is it?" Mary asked. Her and my dad had just walked out the kitchen.

"Look." I handed her the paper and watched as they read it. Their facial expressions said everything.

"Is this real?" My dad asked.

"Why would it be fake? The address and everything is there and it all makes sense. This letter is real."

"Wow." Mary said looking at me.

"I know. The U.S. Air Force is interested in me. Out of all people and they chose me. All I have to do is send in my records, take an aptitude test, and a physical. Then I'm in."

"This is great, Chris. But think long and hard on this." Mary said. I wrinkled up my face.

"There's nothing to think about. This is my dream, you know this, Mary. Taking a step forward in this is the only option."

"Just listen to me. Anything having to do with fighting for our country can be dangerous. You're putting your life on the line doing this."

"Are you afraid I won't come back or something? I'm gonna be fine, everything is going to be okay. I promise."

"I know you'll comeback. There's no question in that."

"So why are you telling me that I have to think about this?" I asked.

"I just gave you one reason."

"The other reason would be that you have a girlfriend. You're in a relationship with someone." My dad said.

"Okay?" I didn't know what they meant by all this.

"Did you even tell her about this yet? Savannah should have been the first person you went to." Mary stated.

"I went to my parents first. Is that not okay?"

"Look, Chris. You don't know how Savannah would feel about you going away for two years."

"She'd wait. That's how serious our relationship is."

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