Walk #3

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Savannah Underwood

I always look forward to Saturday mornings. Just me, myself, and I with a bowl of my favorite cereal and cartoons from boomerang. I may be 18 years old but this shit never gets old to me.

"You're interrupting my morning, Alex." I groaned over the phone.

"It's not my fault Chris wanted to talk to you. He doesn't have your number so I'm calling for him. What happened between you two?"

"Nothing. Your brother just needs to get his head right. He needs to do things differently."

"Well he wants to talk to you.. like now." 

"No. I don't want to talk to him. I've barely known him for two days and he already showed me how he is as a person. He's disrespectful, he's a hoe, and immature. I want nothing to do with someone like that."

"You should just talk to him. He's an idiot but he can be a good guy and he has a big heart. Trust me. You can trust me, girl."


"Trust me, Savannah." 

"Put him on the phone." I said after taking a short pause.

"Cool." She said before handing him the phone.

"Savannah?" Chris said. His voice was unusually deeper than normal. A guy with a deep ass voice a definite turn on to me.

"Just say what you have to say and don't talk to me again."

"And if I tell you how I really feel from the bottom of my heart and seek forgiveness, will you forgive me?" I blew my breath. He's acting like a suck up right now and I can't stand people who act like that. What happened to standing your ground.

"You'll find out after you say what you have to say. Now go. Hurry up."

"Fine. I just want to say that I can't help who I'm attracted to bu-" He started but I cut him off.

"Yes you can."

"Just listen, Savannah." He said in annoyance.


"I can't help who I'm attracted to. I saw you, I thought wow. She's beautiful. I do have a girlfriend which is why my first intentions were just to befriend you. But I don't know, I feel something for you. There's no question to it."

"So if I was your girlfriend, would I have to get used to you feeling something for other girls then not knowing how to be loyal? Cus that's how you sound."

"No, you probably wouldn't." He answered.

"Do you hear yourself? What is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you, dude?"

"Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just being honest."

"Is that you're way of trying to fix what you did?"

"I'm just saying you probably wouldn't have to deal with that because I'm feeling you."

"Why wouldn't I? You said that's that the type of guy you are didn't you?"

"Yes I did. But you're different and I'd change for you." I wrinkled up my face in confusion. What the hell was this guy even saying?

"I don't like anything you're saying. Change for your girlfriend. She doesn't deserve this. Do you not love her?"


 "What is going on." I said under my breath.

"I'm serious. I've never told anyone that I love them except for my mom."

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