|Chapter 11

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     "Guess who's turn to driiiive" I smile. "Kiaaaaaa" I smile even bigger.

     "Ughhhh" Ado mutters as he walks toward the driver's.

    I excitedly run to my trash bag... Which apparently no one noticed, and take out some food I stole from Niah's house. I climb the ladder in full surprise, seeing Niah and Nia on the roofing.

     "Uhm.... Have you guys seen a ball of blankets here?" I say nervously.

     "You mean that thing?" Nish says in disgust, pointing at my cub.

     "WHEN DID YOU GET THIS GUY?! ITS SO CUTE! BUT ITS A WOLF!!" Nia shouts at my face, holding back the cub.

     "Oh, you found him" I chuckle. "Can I have him back? I still have to feed him.

     "You can bring him down but I will kick you if he pees and shits anywhere down there." Nia exclaims while climbing down.

I hear her walking and suddenly it stops, a faint voice. "Guys. Kai brought a freaking wolf on the bus. A wolf cub."

   "I WANNA SEE!" Kia shouts in loud excitement. "ADONIS ITS YOUR TURN TO DRIVE!" she shouts, the bus moves to the slight left fast though stops and returns to a normal driving state.

    "WHERE DID YOU GET THE WOLF?! HUH?" Kia exclaims while excitedly petting it. I gave her food and she let's the wolf eat it from her palm.

    She's so pretty.

    "I uh... I healed it when you all were asleep."

    "Wow." She says, petting the wolf , then nudging me with her elbow.




   I watch as the bus pulls over by a drive way. Nice house. Nia, Niah, and Kia get down to knock. Unfortunately, they came back telling us that Jord didn't live there anymore. She moved around Mesa. Wow. That's about a 25 minute drive.

   Adonis starts up the bus and off we go.




   Again, pulling over a drive way. Also a Nice House. Again, Nia, Niah, and Kia hop off the bus and towards the house door. M

Moment of truth

A woman opens the door. Jordan. She looked exactly the same. No changes whatsoever, except her hair. Looks more messy. They hug and all, being emotional, whatever girls do.

     "YO! WE GOTTA GO, GAS IS RUNNING LOW!" I shout out, trying to avoid staying in another house and get bored again.




      Still up on the roofing, I hear the girls come in, Jord exclaiming how beautiful the bus interior looks. Etc, all that other boring stuff. The bus starts up again, but Adonis isn't driving. He just climbed up the ladder to see my cub.

     Must be Niah

   We stop by about 6 houses from Jord's and we all hop out the bus. Jord, being hugged first by a cool hip looking man. I see Nia hugging him. Still no clue. They tell him to pack up and get clothed.

    Soon as he exited that door, Kia hugs him.

    "Kyle? Adonis?" He says.

    " Uh, Hi... Uh , Ethor." I say, confused, while Adonis stays silent.

    He shakes out hands and pats Niah on the back. We get back on and in surprise, they all voted me to drive. Wow.

    "We need to pick up Chris at Dallas."

     Dallas? Wow.

     "Dallas it is."





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