time apart (part 2)

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{Chapter 9}


I wake up and stretch. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I put on my shades and combo my hair. I go put on my suit and grab my luggage and take it downstairs.

I open the door. 'I miss him so much already.' I say to myself and then walk out and close the door behind me. I walk over to the car and put my stuff in the trunk. I get in my car and started it. I drive away think about James.


I get up and i look over to see bro sleeping "oh yeah i forgot he didn't stay the night." Then I stand up and  go down stair to start the coffee. I get to the kitchen and start the coffee and boot up my computer. Then walk up the stair to take a quick shower.

I get into the bathroom. i go wash up so i can start cooking the wedding cake. so i brush my teeth and comb my hair as i do this i cant help think about bro and how he is doing. i sigh heavily and finish what i as doing. then i go downstairs and grab my apron and walk to the kitchen.  i grab the thing to make cake. i started the batter and the icing . the order call for pink flowers. so i started crafting them after i put the cake batter in to the oven.  i lightly pant the flower pinks and let it dry.  I took out the down cake bread. i let them cool down.  they sit on the counter cooling down why i look at my phone. no text, no call, no anything from him. ' is he even thinking about. why is he not calling me.' I sigh then get back making the wedding cake. 


I check in my hotel still tired form the long ass flight. I look at my phone so i can text James but then i heard a knock on my door. " Mr. strider your meeting start in five minutes." i sigh and throw my phone on my bed and get up and get dress. i put on a dark blue suit and start heading down to my meeting.

{ time jump}

" god thanks it over. I hate meetings especially if James isn't here." I sigh in sadness then I lay in the bed. Then a idea came in my head. I should bring him out. I grab my a call James. (Start calling him)

\ "hey James how are you?\  I go to lay on the bed. \ "good bro. I miss you when are you coming back?"\  /"I am not come back until a few days".\  /"what why?"/  \" there still some meeting but I want you to come up here with me."\  /" OK bro I will but I will have to leave tomorrow right now I am making a wedding cake."/  /" I see, then i will per-order your ticket for tomorrow."/  \" OK bro. bye and see you tomorrow ./ 

we hung up and i feel a little better that i am going to see  him tomorrow. so i grab my laptop out of my bag and start looking for a afternoon flight for James. 


I finish talking on the phone with bro and i seem he want me to go to LA with him. I put my phone down and finishing putting the decoration on the wedding cake. All the flower are in order the little design are there. So i packed it up and head down to the place where i m supposed to take it.

\\ so guy sorry it been two month since i update it been a rough few months and i sorry i didnt do it sooner. but i hope you liked it. 

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