The big day

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Mr. Egbert is in the kitchen baking a cake. His son is leaving for college. He start to pour the batter in to a baking pan. Then put the cake in the oven. He dust off his hand and close the oven door.

*knock knock* Mr. Egbert goes and open the door. "Hi Mr. Egbert, is john ready to go?" Dave ask Mr. Egbert as he walk into the house. "I don't know. He upstairs go and see."

John is packing boxes because he is leaving for college. He is going to the same college as his boyfriend dave his long time friend. John has told his dad he is gay in his 1st year in high school. He started dating Dave in the 3nd year of high school. He never told his dad.

The reason he never told his dad was. Dave stay at his house so much. But today he going to tell him.

Dave knock on the door. John look over to see who knock on the door. "Hey John" John turn around and smiles. "Hey Dave" John walk toward him and the warp his hand around his neck. Dave smiles as he lean in an kiss John.

John lean out " when did you get here." As John lets go and continue packing. Dave lean against the doorway " do you want want me to put some of those boxes in the car." John nods. Dave start to get the boxes and go load them in the car.

John goes right behind Dave as he walk down to the front door. " hey dad can you do me a favor?" John said as he walk over to his dad that in the kitchen. "Yes son what do you need?" Mr. Egbert as he take the cake out of the oven. " dad can you take the boxes I leave here and ship them off to me at my school?" John ask. " OK son." John look down "also dad I miss you." John look up at his dad and goes hug him.

Mr. Egbert just stand there in shock. " I love you son." He manage to say before crying. " I love you too dad." John said before letting go. John clear his thoart " also dad me and Dave been dating for sometime." Mr. Egbert start to laugh. John look so confuse and mad at the same time. "What's funny dad? " john said angrily. " I already knew son. I see how you are together. I approve of you and him together."

Dave walk in from outside. " john I finish putting the boxes in the car." Dave seen john mad and step back. " um john what happen." "My dad start laughing when I told him we were together." John said angrily. " well john you dad isn't that stupid he probably knew." Dave said.

Dave look at his watch. " john we got to go. Before we miss the introductions." Dave said. John hug his dad " bye day I'll miss you." John let go and walk out. " bye son." Mr. Egbert said as he clean up.

// this was the first chapter. I promise I but them a chapter at a time. But I am busy so it might be pieces at time. Please leave comment and star it for more.

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