Chapter 3

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After we adopted P/N we rushed to my apartment complex. After I waved goodbye to BF/N I walked in. When I entered the building I saw two very familiar people. It was the guy in the red flannel and the girl who kept staring at him. My mind raced on how they were familiar. Then it hit me. They were from the pet shop. I really wanted to see what was going on so I walked over to the girl. As soon as I sat down next to her, her eyes darted back and forth between me and the guy in the red flannel as if he were a hyperactive toddler she couldn't let out of her sight.

I sat down next to her and started a conversation. "Hey. I'm Y/N. What's your name?" She stared down at her red converse. They seemed to be torn and in a bad condition. Wow, she must wear those a lot. All the time even. I looked at her and she was still staring down. She seems so scared. She must not be good at meeting new people. "Hey, I know you must be scared but it's okay, I won't hurt you."

Her eyes started filling with tears as I said that. I think I fucked up. Does someone hurt her at home?! "I'm so sorry. I have to go. My name is Zara." And after that, she stood up and booked it into the elevator. Where did that guy in the red flannel go? I sighed as I stood up myself. Well, we learned new important details in that encounter:

1. Her name is Zara and,

2. She's emotional sometimes.

I took P/N up to my apartment as I tried to piece together what happened.

A/N: Btw, the picture is his lucky flannel. The flannel in the story. You're welcome crazy fangirls. *ovaries explode in the distance* ;)

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