Chapter 9

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I woke up and instantly felt Mark's arms around me. I was sweating and crying to the point that the whole bed was soaked. Zara and Sean came over to see what was wrong. I love those two. I love all three of them to death. We all gathered in the living room with coffee, mostly because it was 3:56 a.m. I told them about my nightmare and we all hear the song begin to play. It was my ringtone for my passed loved ones. Mostly my grandparents. How? Like I said, they passed. That thought made me tear up but I easily held it back.

I answered the phone and heard a familiar voice. It was BF/N. "Hold on, what?" I said out of confusion, sadness and anger. She said that something bad was going to happen to us. Us as in Mark and I. I was so confused. "What are you talking about?" I screamed into the cellphone. She said "Soon, one of your beloved companions will be badly injured. And soon, you will be too." She didn't sound normal. Not at all. Then I got a realization.


It was April first. Meaning the time I get to scare the shit out of my best friend with no consequences. I used my app on my phone and changed my number and my voice. I dialed Y/N's number and waited for her to pick up. She seemed really confused as we talked. I did this to her EVERY YEAR. How could she not remember? Suddenly she stopped talking and I could almost hear all of her confusion slowly disappear. Then, she hung up.

A/N: Huh? Even I'm confused as to why I wrote that. Its not even close to April. Either way the phone call was important. Stuff will happen in later chapters that will reflect this one. So, yeah. Till next time. Buh-bye!   (⌒▽⌒ゞ

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