Chapter 01

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A new Fanfiction ^-^! Fairy Dragons! The cover was made by MorbidEmpire, arigatou for that! Anyway, I'm writing the chapters POV like Lucy (🌟), Levy (📜), Juvia (💦), Mira (😈), Erza (🍰), Wendy (🍃) then Lisanna (🌸) so this one is Lucy, besides that, as always, arigatou for reading!


I sat at a table with Levy, she was hunched over a book like she always was. I looked around the guild hall, taking a swig of my strawberry milkshake. Natsu was fighting with Gray, like always, and everyone else was just relaxing, hanging around.

I stared at nothing, bored out of my mind. I looked at Levy "Hey, Levy-chan, want to go on a mission?" Levy stopped reading and looked up at me "Just the two of us or do you want to bring someone else?" I thought for a moment then an idea popped into my head.

"How about we do a girls mission? Like a girls night out but a mission?" Levy smiled "Great idea Lu-chan! Who should we bring?" I looked around the guild, humming in thought. "Well, us two, then how about Wendy and Erza?"

I looked at Levy to see her nod in approval then looked around and added "Then the Strauss sisters? Mira and Lisanna?" I nodded "And Juvia to complete it!" Levy nodded and stood up "I'll gather the Strauss sisters." "And I'll get the other three."

I stood up and turned to find Wendy, Erza and Juvia. I found Juvia first, standing behind a pillar looking at Gray with hearts in her eyes. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to me, looking surprised "Yes, love-rival?"

I made a blank expression at "love-rival". "I'm not your love-rival, anyway I was wondering if you'd like to join me, Levy and some other girls on a mission." Juvia smiled at me "Juvia would love to!" "Great, can you grab Erza while I get Wendy?" Juvia nodded and walked off.

I looked around the guild and saw Wendy talking with Carla. I smiled and walked over "Hey Wendy!" Wendy looked up at me with her big, light brown eyes "Oh, hello Lucy-san!" She smiled and sat next to her "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a mission with me, Levy, Juvia and some other girls."

Wendy thought for a moment "Sure," she looked at Carla "do you want to go Carla?" Carla nodded "Of course, I'll always stay with you to make sure you don't over do it." Wendy laughed nervously "You know I wouldn't, Carla." Carla didn't answer as Wendy turned and smiled at me "When are we going?"

I thought for a moment "We'll meet up with the other girls, come on." I stood up and gestured for Wendy to follow me. She got up and walked next to me as Carla followed us. I found Levy looking around with the Strauss sisters in tow.

I waved at her and she came over to us. We stood and waited for Juvia to come back with Erza, when she did I smiled "We have to find a job now." "You didn't already have one picked?" Carla said and I shrugged "I didn't know if everyone would be coming and I wanted to get one everyone liked."

Carla didn't answer as I went over to the board with Levy "Which one should we choose?" I said as I looked at the requests. I saw one that looked perfect. I grabbed it and read it aloud for Levy "Defeat some pests that have been bothering a town and make sure they're gone, for good."

Levy looked at the page "Enough pay for all of us to have a good amount, too." I smiled "We're doing this one then?" "Yeah, Lu-chan, come on, let's go tell the girls." We walked back over to the girls and showed them the request "It's good, I like it," Erza said, approving.

I nodded "Let's go then." They nodded and we started to head towards the doors. "Hey!" I turned and saw Natsu running towards us with Happy "What are you guys doing?" "Going on a mission together." I answered him. He looked around at our team "I feel bad for whatever monsters run into you."

He laughed nervously and looked back at me "When you get back do you want to go on a job together Luce? Just...the two of us?" He blushed a little and looked away. I frowned at his behaviour but nodded "Sure Natsu, see you later!" I turned and waved over my shoulder.

When we all got out of the guild hall Mira stood right next to me, elbowing me a little "Just you and Natsu, eh?" Levy got close on my other side, doing the same "Wonder what the could mean, Lu-chan," I stared confused at the both of them "Huh?"

They looked at each other and giggled "Maybe Natsu likes you, Lucy," Mira teased and I suddenly realised that look in her eyes, she was the demon matchmaker Mira now. I sighed "Even if he did, why would it matter?"

Levy giggled again "Maybe you two could get together?" I turned to her then smiled slyly "I'll get together with Natsu when you get together with Gajeel." She blushed and stopped teasing me. Mira giggled "Oh Lucy, you learn well."

"Huh?" I looked at her and she patted my shoulder "You're becoming a good matchmaker, I might ask you to help me make matches." I frowned at her "Like what?" "Well, there's you and Natsu, Levy and Gajeel, Gray and Juvia, Erza and Jellal, Elfman and Evergreen, Lisanna and Bickslow, etc."

I giggled at how excited she looked just thinking about her "ships". She smiled at me "When we get back, will you help me in my match making?" I nodded "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Nice matchmaking chapter here for the first chapter ^-^ It's going to be around quite a bit, I feel. I hope you liked this first chapter of Fairy Dragons! Again thank you MorbidEmpire for the cover, I love it (this is dedicated to you btw). And as always, arigatou for reading!

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