Chapter 02

601 17 5

So this one is Levy but you can see that :/ anyway, as always.........arigatou for reading!


After I finished teasing Lucy about Natsu I stepped away. She had teased me about Gajeel, but why? Did it seem like I liked him? Because I did. I blushed a little just thinking about it but I tried to force it down.

I saw my love for Gajeel kind of like Beauty and the Beast, but bookworm and the dragon. Not exactly the same, is it? I smiled as I looked at all of the buildings in Magnolia as we walked through it. The other girls were doing their own thing.

As we were walking I took out our request to look at it again to make sure we didn't mess anything up. It was simple, just defeat the pests, collect the reward, easy. I put the paper back in my bag just as I heard the whistle of a train approaching the station.

I looked up and saw people shuffling towards the train before it had even stopped, were they trying to be killed? I shook my head and looked at the others girls as we stopped near the crowd, waiting to get on the train.

Erza left and grabbed some tickets before we got too far into the crowd, so far we wouldn't be able to get out. When Erza came back we were almost to the doors, she handed the tickets out and stepped to the front of our group.

After we were all on we decided to claim a fourth of a train car. We decided on the second to last and sat down, a few to a seat. I sat with Lucy, Wendy and Carla. I looked around the train, seeing it was as full as the station was a moment ago.

I looked at Lucy and saw her staring out the window, hands in her lap and seemingly thinking. "Hey Lu-chan, are you okay?" I asked, louder than usual because of everyone around us. She looked at me and blinked a few times "Yeah, I'm fine Levy-chan, why?"

I shrugged "You seemed a little out of it." Wendy suddenly leaned forward a bit, dangling her short legs "Levy-san, can I please see the request?" I nodded and took it out of my bag, leaning forward to had it to her.

She looked it over with Carla and handed it back "I wonder how tough the pests will be," she pondered in her sweet and light voice. I nodded "It recommended seven people but I doubt they took into account that we'd have Erza and Mira with us."

Wendy nodded and smiled a little "Those pests don't stand a chance against Erza-san and Mira-san!" I nodded along with her when I heard someone walking over to us. I turned and looked up to see a man with a stubble and messy brown hair.

He looked at us with drunk eyes that kept going down a little far. I looked beyond him and saw some other men that looked similar to him and they were cheering him on. I looked back at the man and frowned, seeing his gaze fixed on Lucy.

I turned to her to see her looking out the window again, one arm on the sill holding her head up and the other stretched across her lap. The effect was her large breasts being squished more that she probably wanted but she didn't notice.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned to me then looked at the man "Can we help you?" He gave her a drunken smile "They can't," he pointed to me and Wendy "but you can." He winked and I made a disgusted face.

When I looked at Lucy I saw her face mirrored mine "With what, exactly?" She folded her arms across her chest, making sure to cover herself well. He grinned "Just come with me, babe, and I'll show you want I mean."

I looked at Lucy quickly before standing up and getting in front of the man. "Excuse me, but I think you're in the wrong place. This is a train, not a strip club. Now get out of here." He seemed taken aback by what I said then looked me up and down.

I didn't bother covering myself up, it's not like there's much to cover up anyway. I kept my glare firmly on my face before he grumbled and walked away to the disappointed group of his, I'm guessing, friends.

I sat back down and saw that Lucy and Wendy were staring at me, even Carla was. Though Carla look was more of subtle disgust and awe compared to the others pure amazement. I blushed and hid my face "What?"

Lucy shook herself "I didn't know you could do that, Levy-chan." Wendy nodded "Yeah, Levy-san, I've never seen you do anything like that before." Lucy suddenly grinned slyly "I wonder, maybe Gajeel's rubbing off on you?"

I blushed even more "W-Why would you s-say that?" She faked innocence "Oh, I don't know, it just seems like something he'd say, but perhaps not." She shrugged and turned away with a ghost of a smile on her face.

I puffed my cheeks and turned away. Wendy giggled "Levy-san, are you okay? You look pretty red." I grumbled and turned away, hearing another giggle from her and a scold from Carla telling her to stop.

I sighed, reliving what I had said in my head. That did seem like a pretty Gajeel thing to do and I have been spending a lot of time with him recently. I sighed again, Gajeel was definitely wearing off on me.

I looked around the car again, suddenly wishing that this train ride could end quickly.

Another chapter! I hope you enjoyed this Levy chapter and as always, arigatou for reading!

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