Chapter 04

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Hey guys...I hope this chapter is okay, I haven't been feeling up to writing that much but I do it for you guys! Hope you enjoy because it's for you!


"Right this way, ladies."

McKenzie opened a pair of large doors and gasped before I could see anything. She stopped and looked around then quickly rushed forward to the open windows.

She stared out, her blue eyes open wide in shock. I walked in and saw nothing out of the ordinary, I would've thought nothing was wrong if McKenzie hadn't started freaking out.

She turned to us, looking panicked "M-My father...he was j-just here!" She frantically looked around until I went over to her and lightly grabbed her arm.

"Are you okay, McKenzie?" She shook her head "M-My father was just here, where could he be?!" That's when I noticed a shine on her face.

It wasn't the shine that came off of makeup or eyes, it was the kind that came off of metal. I grabbed her hair before I could think and pulled, hard. She didn't flinch until she realised what I was doing.

She quickly said "Ow!" And started to claw at me. Erza came over and helped me, pulling the apparent robot off of me. Erza looked at me confused and I pointed at the "girl".

"She's a robot, look close." Erza turned to McKenzie and nodded "You're right, but why?" Before I could answer her the robot in her hands went limp and fell to the ground.

Then a rumbling sound started getting louder and louder until a maniacal laugh cut through it. All seven of us looked around, searching for the source but found none.

Suddenly the wall where the windows were crashed open. A woman was standing on air right outside the walls. She was standing on a cloud of dark smoke, though the smoke wasn't as dark as her cloak.

Her cloak spread out around her as the wind blew eerily. Her face was covered but you could see her long brown hair that had silver in it. "Hello there girls, glad you could join me."

She threw down her cloak hood to reveal an old but pretty face. High cheek bones and lovely green eyes. If it wasn't so obvious she was evil, I would've complimented her.

I stepped back as the wind picked up and the woman put her hands forward like she was holding a giant ball. "Remember this name, Ayshialynn, as it may be the last thing you ever hear."

She cackled, sounding like an old woman though she looked like she couldn't be older than fifty. Ayshialynn closed her eyes and started shouting nonsense while my friends and I were frozen, as if in ice.

I could feel the magical energy build up around her, growing stronger and stronger by the second. When she suddenly cut off a heavy wave of magic spread away from her, knocking us to the ground.

I looked up to see her smiling evilly before flying away on her smoke. After she was gone I fell unconscious.

• • •

When I woke up I noticed that I wasn't in the building we'd entered for the request confirmation. I got up and noticed that I was in my house. I got up and panicked realising I couldn't feel my magical power.

I had no power but I didn't get the usual sickness like most wizards. I panicked even more, what if I wasn't a wizard anymore? I started running towards the door and fell against it, falling over from a sudden pain.

I groaned, my eyes closed tight against the pain. I tried to open the door to at least get someone's attention. But my hand fell short and I fell to my knees then to the ground.

I don't know who long I stayed like that but it seemed like hours though it was probably just a few minutes. The pain started to subside, slowly at first then faster. When it was gone I opened my eyes wide.

I got up slowly and looked at myself. I looked the same but I didn't feel the same. Before I had had no magical power but now I had more than I had ever had before.

I stared down at myself in shock. I felt so powerful, with my magic power almost doubled I felt invincible. As I thought about that I got the urge to hit something. When I was looking round for something to hit I looked down at my hand and saw it was covered in a purple cloud.

I jumped and held my arm away from me, it reminded me of how Laxus's hand glowed with lighting when he was using his magic. I narrowed my eyes at it, the only purple magic I've seen like this was Cobra's.

Cobra was the Poison Dragon Slayer though, how could my magic be similar to his? I dropped my fist and the purple cloud disappeared. I shook my head "I need to get to the guild hall," I said to myself and headed out of my house and to Fairy Tail.

When I got there I saw that none of the other girls were there. I started towards Master's office, not stopping to talk to anyone. I went up the stairs and knocked on the Master's door. When I heard the okay to go in I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me.

I stared down at the floor as I leaned against the closed door. Makarov was silent for a minute before speaking "Mira? Is everything okay?" I looked up at him, the terror probably showing in my eyes "Master-" I choked and paused.

I cleared my throat and spoke again, clearly this time, and going forward off the door "Master, my magic is different, it's not the same as before." "What do you mean, Mira?" Before I could show him I heard the door open and I spun around.

Oooooh, who could be at the door? Guess you'll have to find out! Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

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