Chapter 08

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Another chapter?! Call your doctor because this chapter might knock you off your feet, literally at the end ; )


We had been looking for Wendy for a while now. We had lost her scent, that smelled like fresh air and sweets, a while back. We still kept going though, hoping for a clue that would lead us to Wendy.

I sighed as I walked slowly at the back of the group. I had an uneasy feeling that something bad had happened to Wendy and was going to happen to us. I looked around frantically and I felt hyper-aware of everything.

I jumped at every noise, turned at every sign of movement. I was a nervous, jumpy wreak. Suddenly I saw a break in the seemingly endless trees and I saw a body. All I could see was black. I stopped and Levy looked back at me "Are you okay, Lu-chan?"

The rest of them stopped and looked at me curiously "I...just have to use the bathroom, I'll catch up to you." I didn't know what I was doing but I wanted to see what I saw alone, call it a gut feeling.

Erza looked at me for a long time then nodded and gestured for the girls to follow her "Come on, let's give Lucy her privacy." They walked away with little complaint and I waited as they turned a corner. As soon as they were gone I turned towards the gap I saw.

It would be a tight fit but I could make it...probably. I headed towards it and started to squeeze through. I flinched when I got stuck but I thankfully freed myself. I was pushing on the trees so hard I fell forward and onto the ground.

I made a sound of discomfort as I sat up and looked up. I was in a small clearing and I wasn't alone. I rushed backwards as I saw two bodies, one a boy and one a girl.

I covered my mouth to stop myself from making noise. They were breathing but they looked knocked out. I looked closer at them, more over the shock of seeing them. They looked related, they both had black hair and pale skin, though the boys was darker.

They were wearing normal clothes, something unexpected in this forest but it could easily be faked. I inched closer, my body screaming at me, telling me it was a bad idea but I moved closer anyway.

I moved to the boy first, since he was closer. I kneeled next to him and lifted his head slightly so I could see his face better. He was very handsome, though I could see a scar on his right cheek. I looked at the girl and saw that her right cheek also had a scar on it.

I frowned and looked at the boy again. I lifted him more onto my lap and froze when he shifted, grabbing onto my leg slightly. He frowned and mumbled "Teagan..." I looked at the girl and wondered if she could be Teagan.

The boy moved again and he slowly opened his eyes. They were a bright green, standing out even in the green forest. He looked up at me and his eyes widened and he quickly scrambled away, towards the girl.

He stared at me, looking terrified "W-Who are you...?" I looked down, mad at myself for scaring him "My name's Lucy." I looked back up at him and tried to smile but it probably made me look crazy. He relaxed slightly and I saw him look at my hand; he relaxed more.

He looked back at me "You're a Fairy Tail wizard?" I nodded "What's your name?" He hesitated then said "Nasir," he then looked at the girl "this is Teagan, my little sis." I smiled at Teagan "What are you two doing in the forest?"

Before he could answer the girl started to shift and she opened her eyes, they were the same colour as Nasir's. She looked at him and instantly hugged him, her long black hair swinging "Nasir-nii! I'm so glad you're okay, what happened?"

She looked at me and held onto Nasir tighter "Who's she?" She whispered but I still heard her. Nasir looked uncomfortable with Teagan hugging him and tried pushing her away "One question at a time, Tea. This is Lucy."

He looked at me pointedly, silently asking me to further introduce myself. I took the hint and looked at Teagan "I'm Lucy Heartfilia, I'm a Fairy Tail wizard and I found the two of you here in the forest." She just looked at me like she was analysing me.

Nasir sighed and looked at me apologetically "She's not very talkative," she pouted at him and then looked at me again, letting go of Nasir and coming towards me. She stared at me then suddenly jumped at me "Lucy-nee!"

I grunted as my back hit the ground with Teagan half on top of me "Sorry, Lucy-nee, I got carried away," she pouted again. I smiled and waved it off "It's fine, Teagan." I had always wanted a little sister and Teagan was certainly a good candidate.

She moved back off of me and suddenly looked sheepish "Nasir-nii, tell Lucy-nee why we're here..." Nasir sighed and looked at me "We were going to our aunts house when a tornado went over us, hitting us and knocking us out."

Teagan nodded "And when we woke up, you were here Lucy-nee!" She smiled though Nasir stilled looked serious, staring off into the distance. "Nasir-nii~ pay attention to Lucy-nee." He looked at Teagan "Huh?" Then looked at me.

We awkwardly stared at each other until Teagan jumped on me again "Will you help us get home, Lucy-nee?" I started to nod when I suddenly heard an explosion and someone calling my name.

I heard a rumbling making a crescendo as the earth groaned and shifted. "Ah!" Teagan yelped as she was knocked on her side. I tried to dive towards her when I saw a bright light surround me.

Suddenly I was hit with the force of an army and I fell to the ground. I tried to look up and all I saw was feet running towards me and Teagan's hand at the corner of my vision. I heard people telling but I couldn't do anything before I blacked out.

This is so fun to write even though I take forever to update -3- also Teagan and Nasir are some real friends of mine though they don't use this app ;-; Nasir kind of hates to read. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and arigatou for reading!

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