Chapter 05

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Hey lovelies! Another chapter of Fairy Dragons, hope you enjoy it!


I quickly headed to the guild after discovering the changes in my magic. I asked people in the guild hall if the Master was busy and people said he was with Mira. I began to wonder if what happened to me happened to the other girls.

I hurried up the stairs and when I reached the door I slammed it open, making my appearance well known. I looked around and saw Master looking at me astonished.

I looked at Mira, who was in here like people said she was, and saw her arm slightly raised, hand halfway clenched. It seemed like she was going to use magic but her magic wasn't done like that.

Dragon Slayers used magic like that.

I frowned slightly and turned my gaze back to the Master. "Master, I've sensed a change in my magic though I don't know the cause of it." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mira's eyes widen then she frowned, looking down.

Makarov glanced at Mira then looked back at me "Mira was telling me the same thing, that her powers were different." I looked at Mira "You were going to show him?"

She nodded and looked down at her hand "It's odd, my new magic is like Cobra's." She looked back at me and raised her fist in front of her like she was about to punch someone.

She seemed to concentrate for a second then her fist became covered in a purple mist, the mist looking a lot like Cobra's poison magic. I stepped back and held my hand like I was going to summon a sword out of habit.

My eyes widened and I stared down at my hand. There was no sword. I tried summoning it again but nothing happened. I dropped my hand and frowned then looked at Mira "You can't do your previous magic, can you?"

She shook her head "I tried on the way here." I looked back down at my hand then brought it up, closer to my face. I clenched it and focused my magic, slightly hoping something would happen. I knew I had magic, but what kind?

A few seconds later a golden glow formed around my hand and I lifted the other hand and did the same. Instead of a golden glow it was a steely blue colour, like tin. I dropped both my hands and looked at Master "What is going on?"

He seemed to think for a moment, looking between Mira and I. Then he leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh "We need the other girls if we are to fully figure this out." I nodded and looked at Mira.

"There were seven of us, so five aren't here, who do you want to get, Mira?" "Well, only Lucy doesn't live in Fairy Hills so how about you go get her and I'll get the girls at Fairy Hills?"

I nodded "We'll be back soon, Master." As I walked out of the office and out of the guild I, out of habit again, tried to go into my faster armour but nothing happened. No glow. No armour change.

I sighed, I never thought I'd miss my magic this much. I blinked a few times at the ground and looked up, resuming my strong walk. I won't be controlled by this magic, I'm going to control it.

• • •

After I picked up Lucy and told her the details I knew we headed towards the guild. Along the way we found out her magic is golden like mine but lighter in colour.

The whole time Lucy looked really down. After a few minutes of her staring down at the ground I said "What's wrong Lucy?" She didn't answer for a moment then looked up at me "Erza...what if I never see my spirits again?"

I looked away from her then stopped her with a hand on her shoulder "Lucy, even though we have this new magic doesn't mean it's nothing like our old one. Wizards aren't controlled by magic, they control the magic."

Lucy stared at me, eyes slightly wider with admiration then she smiled a little "Thanks Erza, you always know how to make me feel better." I smiled and kept walking "What kind of teammate would I be if I couldn't make my teammates smile?"

Lucy smiled at me and continued smiling as we got to and entered the guild hall. I looked around and saw Mira and the others at a table, already talking with Master. I made a small gesture at Lucy then walked over.

I sat down next to Makarov and Lucy sat next to Lisanna "Everyone here?" I asked and everyone nodded. I stood back up "We should go outside if we're talking about magic."

Master nodded and gestured for everyone to follow him as he hobbled out of the guild hall. I followed close behind and when we got outside I stood next to him, crossing my arms.

Master speaks first "So, after you all went to the mission you found out that you all have new powers, correct?" The girls looked at each other then nodded.

As I started to speak I gestured with one of my hands "I don't know about you four but Mira, Lucy and I have already tried to use our powers and saw what they were like." The four shook their heads and I gestured for Mira and Lucy to stand next to me.

"We don't know exactly what they are but we can use it, which is a start." I raised both of my fists while the other two raised opposite hands. I focused and, at the same time, our fists glowed. Mine steely blue and gold. Mira's purple and Lucy's a light gold.

The girls stared at us and Levy immediately opened a book that she must've brought with her. She set it down on the ground and started to turn its large, full pages quickly. "If we can find out what elements our new powers are we could use them to get our powers back."

I nodded and everyone crowded around, trying to find out what element they were.

Kind of a weird time to end but it saves me from having to put a time skip for them finding their powers. always arigatou for reading!

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