Chapter 03

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Another chapter! This one is Juvia and I usually write Juvia as its only in third person when she's thinking or speaking so I don't have to have one random third person chapter, okay? Okay, anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!


I sat next to Mira and Lisanna on the train. The two of them kept looking around, giggling and whispering to low for me to hear. "Um..." I started lamely "Juvia wonders what you two are talking about." Mira and Lisanna looked at me then at each other and grinned.

They moved and sat beside me, one on each side. I looked between them, waiting for them to explain. Then Mira spoke "Well, Juvia, we're talking about ships," her tone made it sound like she as talking to a child.

I nodded "Juvia understands, it's when you want two people to get together in a relationship." The two sisters looked at me, surprise on their faces but then Lisanna said "Yes, that's exactly what it is." "Want in?" Mira eagerly asked.

I thought for a moment, what would it be like if Juvia was a matchmaker? I shook my head "No, Juvia prefers stalking, if you don't mind." Mira leaned back and shrugged with a smile "That's okay, it's not made for everyone."

Lisanna leaned forward so she could see her sister "Didn't you tell me that Lucy said she would help when she could?" That news made me freeze, love-rival was matchmaking? "Can you match make yourself with someone?" I blurted, thinking about love-rival and Gray-sama.

Mira frowned "No, that's why we have multiple of us, so we too can get shipped but we don't "match make" ourselves." I nodded, relieved, at least love-rival won't be getting Gray-sama any time soon. Mira smiled "You get it then?"

I started to nod then stopped "Can you please explain fully?" Lisanna nodded "Of course, an example would be me shipping Mira and Laxus." Mira butt in "And me shipping Lisanna and Bickslow." They kept talking about their ships for each other but I only cared about one ship.

"Who do you "ship" me with?" I said and they stopped and blinked a few times. Then Mira smiled "Well, Gray of course." Lisanna nodded "Yeah, obviously." I smiled and got up, deciding to go talk to Erza who was all alone.

I waved at the Strauss sisters and headed over to Erza and sat down right before the intercom came on. "We are approaching our next stop, if it is your stop please head towards the unloading car with all of your belongings." The female voice sounded cheerful as she spoke.

I looked at Erza as she stood up "Come, Juvia, this is our stop." Before I could say anything she walked away, to get the other girls no doubt. I stood up, heading towards the car we were supposed to go to. I grabbed my stuff and waited near the doors.

When the train slowed and the whistle blew I could hear people shuffling around. I got up and looked around, drifting towards the door. I got shoved off and waited a little ways away for the other girls. When we were all together Lucy looked at a map.

Then she looked up at us and said "Come on, let's go meet the requester." She walked towards the centre of town, where a large building stood. It was at least three stories tall and had that look about it that made it seem very important; it certainly drew the eyes.

As we walked towards it I stared at it, it seemed so predictable, like it was made for only one thing. It didn't fit in with anything else either, and there were no guards around. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at it. Suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

I quickly turned and saw Lisanna "Hey," she began, looking worried "are you okay?" I nodded "Juvia's fine, thanks for asking Lisanna." She smiled, patted my shoulder and went back next to her sister. I followed the girls as we went inside the tall building.

I looked around, becoming confused when I saw no one around. I glanced at the other girls and saw that only Erza looked concerned. I went up next to her and whispered "Do you feel what Juvia's feeling?"

She nodded and looked around "There's something not right about this, be on you guard, we can't do much more than be prepared." I nodded and stepped a little away. I heard Lucy and Levy talking before we saw a tall woman appear around a corner.

She had long black hair that was curled, shining blue eyes and a clear, pale complexion. She looked perfect, like a doll. She smiled at us, bowing down a little in her blue princess dress. "Welcome," she said in a clear tone "to our home, wizards, I assume you're here about the request?"

She smiled as she looked at all of us, she face carefully not moving. Lucy stepped forward "Yes, we heard you had some pests around here?" The girl's face fell "Oh yes, they've been quite troublesome. My name is McKenzie by the way."

Lucy smiled "I'm Lucy," she started pointing at all of us as she said our names "this is Levy, Juvia, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Wendy and Carla." McKenzie smiled and bowed again "It's wonderful to be in the presence of such strong wizards."

Everyone looked pleased by the comment except for Erza, I noticed. I got closer to her and when the girl started leading us somewhere I whispered "How do you feel about the girl, Erza?" She thought for a moment, looking thoughtfully at McKenzie.

"She seems to know how to fake a smile and act polite. I'm keeping an eye on her, she seems to be more than what she's giving off." I nodded, agreeing with Erza. I looked at McKenzie as she turned a corner and opened some doors.

"Right this way, ladies."

Yay! Okay, I'm super excited because something big is about to happen! *squeals* don't judge me. I'm actually writing this at night so there might be a few mistakes I failed to catch. Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

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