Chapter 07

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter of FD!


As Levy and I were looking for our element I looked around. I saw Lucy and Juvia and Erza and Mira fighting. I looked around more for Wendy and Carla but only found Carla.

I frowned and walked over, uncrossing my arms as I walked. I sat down on a stump next to Carla "Hey Carla, do you know where Wendy is?" Carla's face showed worry but her voice said disapproval "She went into the forest because a wind was hitting her."

I looked back at the forest behind me. There was no wind today, and even if there was the forest would stop it from hitting us. I looked back at Carla "Should we go after her?" I held my hand up to my chest in worry, my eyes darted between the forest and Carla.

She snorted "Let her come back on her own, she got herself out there she can get herself back." I was a little angry with Carla's reasoning so I stood up quickly and walked back over to Levy stiffly.

She looked up as I approached "Are you okay, Lisanna?" I just nodded and plopped down next to her "Carla just doesn't think we should go after Wendy." "What?" Levy turned towards me then looked around "How long has Wendy been gone?!"

She stood up and helped me up "We have to go after her!" I nodded and turned towards where Wendy disappeared but Levy stopped me. She looked at me seriously "We should get the others, it's dangerous to go alone."

I relaxed and nodded, going over to Juvia and Lucy. I saw Levy move towards Mira and Erza out of the corner of my eye. I approached Juvia and Lucy cautiously, hoping I didn't get hit with anything.

I heard Lucy almost shout "Fist of the Astral Dragon!" Then she flew at Juvia with golden light shining around her right hand. I noticed how concentrated her face was and it reminded me of Natsu. How he would fly at his opponent confidently but not underestimating them.

I smiled, Lucy was picking up on the idiots habits, how cute. I looked at Juvia as she tried to block Lucy's blow, falling back a bit. When she got a hold on her footing her mouth became covered in water and she looked straight at Lucy "Water Dragon's Roar!"

Juvia stood her ground as water poured out of her mouth, making Lucy move back. Juvia stopped roaring and waited for Lucy to make the next move. Lucy's eyes narrowed slightly "Ugh, Astral Dragon's-".

Juvia was ready for her move "Water Dragon's-" "ROAR!" Water flew out of Juvia's mouth once more as golden light came out of Lucy's. The two beams met perfectly in the middle and exploded, knocking both of them back.

When the risen dust settled they were both standing there out of breath. Then almost simultaneously they both fell to their knees and then to laying face down on the ground. I could see them smile as they panted.

I moved forward "Uh...guys?" Lucy looked up at me "Hey Lisanna, what can we do for you?" She slowly got up and looked at me sleepily, like she was dizzy. I looked over to Juvia as she got up, brushing off her skirt. "Juvia wonders if Lisanna has figured out her power yet."

I shook my head "Not yet, but we have more important things to worry about." They both looked at me seriously, most of the dizziness had faded. They stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. "Wendy is missing, I asked Levy to get Mira and Erza to help us find Wendy."

Lucy and Juvia looked at each other, knowing that if we had to get everyone that it was serious business. I went over to Lucy and looked her over. I looked over at Juvia and did the same "Hopefully you two didn't hurt each other that badly."

Lucy looked sheepish as she scratched the back of her head "Hopefully. We were just trying to find our limits." "Well, it looks like you achieved that. Come on, we need you two." Juvia came closer and I saw her limp slightly, not much but just a bit.

She smiled determinedly "Let's go, we won't find Wendy standing here." I nodded and headed back towards where Levy and I were. I saw that Levy was already there with a slightly beat up Erza and Mira next to her.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked and got nods in response. I started walking towards where Wendy disappeared and I heard feet fall on grass behind me. I stopped next to Carla "Are you coming, Carla?"

She shook her head without looking at me "Someone has to keep our stuff safe." I could still see how worried she was since her eyes betrayed her harsh voice. I smiled and headed into the forest, just realising we had no clue where Wendy had gone.

"Um...guys? How do we find Wendy?" They all looked at each other as they thought about it. Then Levy stepped forward "We're dragon slayers now, aren't we? Shouldn't we have their noses too?" I smiled slightly "Good idea, Levy."

I stepped forward from the group and sniffed. Immediately I was hit with seemingly a thousand scents. I gagged slightly but continued to sniff, telling myself that I had to find Wendy.

I sniffed more and smelled all the different plants and animals that lived here. I frowned realising the smell was dull like there hasn't been many living things around here for a while. I was slightly thankful for that though I was still worried.

I was thankful because Wendy's scent stood out like an elephant in New York. I gestured for the girls to follow me and began to swiftly move through the dense forest. Don't you worry, Wendy, we're coming to find you.

I don't know what to Arigatou for reading...?

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