Chapter 2: The Attack

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"I can't believe this! Why on earth would they not let us know when this disease was first discovered? They obviously already knew about it!"

"Astrid, calm down."

"Dad! Are you not the least bit worried about what might happen to us! We live in Delaware! DELAWARE! We're surrounded by infected states!" I was crying now. "It was hard enough with just the two of us, and now we have to worry about the freaking Apocalypse!" The next thing I knew he had me in a bear hug.

"Hey. Listen to me. Are you listening? We're gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay."

I nodded feebly. Ever since mom died, everything has fallen apart. Dad has two jobs now, just so he can pay for the bills and our living essentials. I'm currently a 7th grader going to school at this stupid, run-down middle school called Sunny Shore Middle School. Really it isn't too bad, but I don't have any friends there. We have a small, cheap apartment that's really just big enough for one person but we found a couch that has a pull out bed for Dad to sleep in, while I sleep in the bedroom. Our living conditions kind of suck but, we manage.

"Dad? Don't you think that since we live so close to the Maryland/Delaware state boarder that there should be a few zombies pretty clos-" I couldn't finish because just then we heard a loud thud and then a splat on our front door.

"They're here." Dad said darkly. "Astrid! Go pack your school bag with some food from the cabinets and grab the the kitchen knives, too!" Dad yelled as he pushed the Arm Chair up against the door. I stood there for a moment, listening to the moans and and thuds and splats coming from the other side of the door. Screams rang through the apartment building from our neighbors. At one point we heard Mr. Franklin screaming from the apartment next door. That was the moment I realized that this was possibly the end of, not just me, but the world.

I went through the cabinets one-by-one and grabbed some canned beans, canned corn, and two packs of hotdogs from the fridge. Then I carefully put the kitchen knives in a dish towel to roll up and put in my bag. I left two out for Dad and I to take on our way out of the apartment. "Ok, I got everything you asked for!" I told him. "Yeah, okay awesome, can you open the back window so that we can escape thro-" "MATCHES!" I interrupted. "Oh yeah, okay I'll open the window while you get matches." He replied hastily.

I quickly ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the matches from the highest cabinet. Realizing that there were probably some more items vital to our survival, I ran into the bedroom and found three flashlights and some spare batteries, a large bed sheet for sleep, warmth and maybe some other stuff, a swiss army knife, and a first aid kit.

"That should do it!" I said to myself. Just then, I heard my dad yelp from the living room. Thinking of the worst things that possibly could have happened, I shoved the supplies into my bag and ran as fast as I could into the kitchen to grab the two knives and then to the living room. What I saw next I could never un-see. My father, my only family, being devoured by a huddle of gruesome zombies.

"THAT WAS MY FATHER, YOU BASTARDS!" I screamed savagely. With the depths of hell in my heart, I lunged at the huddle of zombies with one knife in each hand. I thought of nothing but hatred as I slashed and lunged and stabbed. Nothing could touch me. When it was all over, I stepped away from the battle field and looked at the chaos of blood and bodies of the infected on the ground. I fell to my knees in horror at what I had done.

This is all your fault. You could have saved him.

This was all I could think about while I was on my knees in front of the gory living room, but I knew that I would have to leave sometime. So I grabbed the bag I had packed for two and opened the window. I turned to look at my Dad's body, laying lifelessly on it's back.

"I'm sorry, Daddy" I said to no one then turned and climbed onto the fire escape. My newest journey was beginning.

Author's note: Yes I know, I used the word bastards. I'm sorry to all who found this offensive, but I thought it was an appropriate time to use it.

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