Chapter 4

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I woke up to light, it was bright and in my face. I pulled the covers back over my head, shielding myself from it, as i clenched my eyes together, trying to go back to sleep, I realized. This wasnt my bedding. My soft silky bedding. My eyes widened and i sat up quickly. This wasnt my room! I bit back a scream and rose to my feet. Where was I? "Oh, good, you're awake." I heard, A shirtless Anthony walked through the door, with a muffin in his hand. "Want one?" He asked, extending his arm with a blueberry muffin. I was in a random boys bed after a wild party and all he could do was offer me a damn muffin?? I was going to shove that muffin up his ass..."What the HELL did you do?" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face. He frowned. "I didnt do anything," he put the muffin and down and crossed his arms. "Then why am I in your bed?" I asked, trying to sound angry but I sounded scared. He was playing dumb. "You were drunk, and you didnt have your key to unlock your dorm room so I brought you here," He explained. "You liar! You had sex with me didnt you?!" I said, turning from him. How could I have been so stupid? Letting him take advantage of me like that. "I would never do that to you while you were intoxicated. That's wrong." His eyes were stern and voice was steady. I think he was telling the truth. "But the kiss. The-the-" I stuttered trying to reoncile what had happened. "When I said you shouldnt have said that, I mean't it. I brought you to your feet to bring you home. I shouldnt have kissed you anyways." He said matter of factly. I pursed my lips, so my kiss wasnt good? I know I havent a lot of practice and my mirror didnt suffice as a good kissing partner but still. "Oh," I muttered. I looked back at the bed, and the other side was made up. He didnt sleep next to me. "Where did you sleep?" I asked, folding my arms insecurely, I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday. That explains something. "Couch, but enough talking une opiniâtre, my first class starts in an hour and I need to get ready." What did he call me? Was he kicking me out? Of course he was, this was his room. I nodded, turning to pull the sheet up and make his bed. "Dont. I'll do that." He snapped, biting into his muffin. I held my hands back as if I just touched something dangerous. What the hell was his problem? "Sorry about last night," I muttered, putting on my shoes and towards the door. It was hard to budge, and he walked over and pulled hard, opening it for me. "No need to apologize Ellie. Tell your sister I'll meet her in 15." Then he closed the door behind me. Harsh much? Speaking of my sister. Now I need to tell her, why I mysteriously vanished last night.

"You little slut!" Jessica exclaimed from the bathroom with a smile, as I made my way inside to flop on my bed. "I didnt sleep with him. I was drunk, and he brought me to his room." I said with a shrug. "You like him." She was grinning at me wildly. "I dont know him," I said, rolling my eyes. "Okay, you're attracted to him," There was no lie with that. There was a strange bond between us, drawing me in slowly, and it was intoxicating, mind blowing. Just like the kiss. "Okay, I can go with that." I said truthfully, buring myself back in my covers. "Brittany wants to see you before class starts by the way," Jessica started brushing her teeth, white foaming oozing down her cheeks. "For?" I was already irritated and didnt feel like dealing with her dramatic "issues" she so called went through. "I dont know she says it's important," I inhaled deeply before rising to my feett, i was just trying to hurry up and get back, to take a nap and shower before class.

"A crush? Really? Your important news was a crush?" I said my mouth dropping, what the hell? She nodded as if this were the worst possible scenario. "But it's weird, you know it takes a lot for me to have a crush." Bullshit. I massaged my temple, "We are in college Brit, of course you're going to have crushes!" I exclaimed. I tried to show empathy but this was completely stupid. "I suppose so, but what about you? Where did you go last night?" She asked me. We were sitting by the fountain, water spewing out, driplets flying over towards us, dampening my face slightly. Brittany was wearing a Warped Tour t-shirt, with black skinny jeans, ripped at the thigh and knee. Her finger nails were black, and she was drinking Starbucks. Her looked like it was still damp from her shower, her hair curly. The tinted green in her eyes were bright today, probably highlighted by her eyeliner. She was wearing converse, and she made my outfit seem petty. I pressed my lips together. "I woke up in a foreign exchange students bed," I said flatly. Brittany choked on her drink, her eyes widened. "I'm never letting you drink ever again." She crossed her arms over her overly sized breasts. "You have no right to judge me. So, I woke up in a bed that wasnt mine. It's not like I slept with him. Besides I dont think you want to get on how many times you've woke up next to a stranger." I said matter-of-factly. "Hey, it was only 3 times, and the first time doesnt count, because it wasn't technically sex." She said, turning her nose up at me. "Anal is still sex Brittany." Okay ew, this was a disgusting conversation. "Another conversation for another time. Besides, my class starts in 20. I have to tutor some Italian exchange student. I'll see you later babes," She leaned into kiss my cheek like she normally does, but then backed up, "You still smell of alcohol and sexy French guys. Shower." Then she stood to her feet, spilling the rest of her drink in the grass and walked off. She was so hard to talk to sometimes. I got to my feet as well, going back to the room to shower.

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