Chapter 2

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A few weeks later I was completely packed up and it was time to leave to go to San FranSokyo...I have to admit I was pretty excited. But also devastated. I was really going to miss my best friends. Jacob, Trinity and Zoe were all stood at my front door, tears falling from their eyes. I ran over to them and gave them a huge group hug.
"Oh my god guys, I'm gonna miss you so much!" I say as tears escape my eyes.
"We'll miss you too, (Y/N)! I can't believe you're leaving me, boo!" Jacob added
"Awh, boo. We'll FaceTime every night, yeah?" I say as I wipe away my tears
"You got it, honey boo boo!" He smiled and I giggled slightly. Trinity smiled and said
"And me, (Y/N)! You have to FaceTime me!"
"Ooh! And me! I need to see your new house!" Added Zoe. I chuckled
"We'll all Skype" I smile
"Oh hell no! That horror movie was based on Skype!" Trinity said, shivering
"Fine! We'll oovoo, then!" I say, rolling my eyes.
"That's better" she nods and laughs "oh, I don't care how you contact me, just keep in touch!"
"I will!"
"Honey boo boo, make sure you text me when you're on the plane!" Jake sassed
"You got it, dude" I say, clicking my fingers. Me and Jacob burst into laughter but nobody else did - it's a personal joke between me and him, nobody else would understand it, anyways.
"(Y/N), honey, it's time to go to the airport!" My mother says, coming downstairs. I hugged my friends one last time
"Love you guys" I said before getting into the car. My friends waved as my mother drive away. I stared out of the window. What if the bullying is worse in this school? What if I don't get any friends...oh shut up, (Y/N). You're being ridiculous! I'll at least have one friend, right? Whatever. I'm just going to focus on settling into my new home.
The plane ride was long but at least I had my earphones to watch YouTube and listen to music. I eventually fell asleep on the plane
"(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up, sweetie! We're here!" I heard my mother saying, while shaking me gently. I got all of my things together and waited for the plane to land. Once everyone had gotten off me and my mom called a cab to take us to our now home. I wonder what it'll look like. It was only 3pm so I still had lots of time to explore around San FranSokyo and do a bit of unpacking. The cab pulled up in front of a huge house that had three stories. I looked up at it in awe. My mother payed the cab driver and got out and I quickly followed her
"What are we doing here?" I asked
"This is our new home, (Y/N)!" My mom said excitedly
"No way! It's huge!"
"Oh, let's go inside. I hope you like it." She says and unlocks the door. I was in to see a massive hallway that had lots of doors connected. The first one was the living room, the second was the downstairs bathroom, the third was the kitchen. On the other side, the first one was a games room with things like a foose ball table and video games. And the third one was a library/music room with a piano and guitars. This house was truly stunning.
"That's not all, you have the whole top floor. And I have the Middle!" My mom says. I rush up the stairs and then up the stairs again. It was another hallway which had 6 doors. Three on each side. The first one on the right was my bedroom (pictures in the media box^^). The second one was a bathroom and the third was a study room. On the other side was a dressing room, a hot tub room and a home cinema! It was amazing! This is why my mom didn't let me pack all of my stuff, I guess. I ran downstairs and hugged my mom
"I LOVE IT!" I squealed.
"That's not all. Go look in the garden" my mother smirked. I went outside to see a huge pool, a jacuzzi and a sauna! This is going to be amazing! I already love San FranSokyo!

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