Chapter 10

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Once the school day was over, I grabbed my bag from my locker and walked out of the main entrance.
"Hey (Y/N)! Wait up!" I heard Aaron call from behind me. I glanced over to the tree and saw Hiro standing there, waiting. I then looked back at Aaron and walked over to him. "Where you walking to?" He asked.
"Oh, just over there. To the lucky cat cafe, really." I said.
"Oh, cool. I'll walk with you then!" He grinned. I wanted to tell him not to because I was walking with Hiro but I felt bad so I just let him follow shortly behind me. Hiro waved at me with a smile I was about to wave back but Aaron grabbed my hand before I could. My smile faded a little and I walked up to Hiro, I could see that his smile was less wide, too.
"Who's this?" Hiro asked. I was about to open my mouth and tell him but Aaron beat me to it.
"Aaron. Me and (Y/N) are pretty close, now." He beamed. What? No! I only met him today!
"Oh," Hiro smiled awkwardly. We set off to the cafe. I loosened my hand from his grip but he grabbed it back.
"Aaron...can you not hold my hand for a bit? I just feel a bit dizzy." I said, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Awww, (Y/N)! Come on! I just want to hold your hand!" Please..." He pouted.
"Sorry, I just don't feel too good at the moment."
"You heard her, Aaron. She doesn't want to hold your hand. Leave her alone." Hiro interrupted bitterly.
"Chill, dude." He said in defence.
"No, I wont chill! You're making (Y/N) uncomfortable! I think you should go." He said.
"See you tomorrow, (Y/N)" Aaron winked at me and left.
"Can't he take a hint?" Hiro groaned
"Hiro, it's alright." I say.
"It's not" he insisted. I stayed silent for the rest of the walk. When we got to the cafe, I waited outside, unsure if Hiro wanted me to come in.
"Are you coming in or what?!" He asked. I nodded and went inside and he lead me up to his room.
"Hiro...why are you being like this?"
"Like what?!"
"Protective...angry and-"
"Well I'm sorry if I want you to be happy!" He interrupted
"I wasn't saying that!"
"Well it sure as hell sounded like it!" He shouted
"Don't shout at me! You're in the wrong here, Hiro!" I yelled.
"How?! How am I possibly in the wrong for making sure you're not uncomfortable with what he was doing!"
"Because-" I started
"Because you wanted to go and snog him, didn't you?!" Hiro interrupted, once again.
"Well maybe I would have if you hadn't been so protective and yelled at him!"
"Go on then. Go find him. Go tell him how much you love him."
"I don't love him, Hiro!" I shouted.
"Well why are you on his side?!"
"Because...because ugh! Why does it matter?! You were out of line to make him leave! He was just being friendly!"
"Friendly?! Holding your hand is not 'friendly'!" He shouted.
"Yeah, well maybe that's what I needed. Someone to hold my hand and make me feel like I'm actually not a piece of shit like every one else treats me!"
"You think I treat you like shit?!"
"N-no! I didn't say that! I just-" I stuttered.
"Get out."
"I said get out!" He said, screaming at the top of his lungs. I gasped a little scared of how angry he had become.
"No." I said quietly.
"I don't want to see you! I don't want to talk to you! I hate you!" These words stung like a bee. I cared about him and I thought he cared about me. Obviously, I was fooled. Y eyes widened at his comment and a tear dropped from my eye. I ran downstairs and out of the cafe.
"(Y/N), wait!" He said, his voice softer than before. I ignored him and kept running. I ran all the way home and added a few more cuts on my arms because of his stupid I was. I heard a knock on the door. I answered it to see Hiro
"(Y/N)...I didn't mean that...I love you..." He said, breathlessly. I could tell he had been running after me.
"You what?" I said, shocked.
"I said, I love you, much."
Ooooooooh! Cliffhanger! Sorry, I haven't updated in ages but HAPPY CHRISTMAS! And I'll be sure to update over Christmas. What's gonna happen with you n Hiro, eh? *smirky face*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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