Chapter 5

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I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock. Ugh. Mornings. I sat up and turned off the awfully high pitched, squeaky alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and went into the bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, y'know, the typical morning things. I dried my face and put on a face cleanser, leaving it on for about five minutes before scrubbing it off. I then walked into my dressing room and scanned the closets and wardrobes for an outfit to wear. (Outfit in media box). Yes, I know what your thinking. An all black outfit? Well, yeah. Black just goes with everything and it's such a simple colour, I mean, it screams 'elegance and power'. Black is the most misunderstood colour, like me, I guess. I put on the outfit and straightened my hair, making sure I looked presentable...ish. I've never really been fond of my appearance, as a matter of fact, I hate it. I've always felt like the ugly duckling, although people tell me I'm pretty. I just choose not to believe it. I let out a small sigh as I finished my hair. I turned off my straighteners. Right, now for the makeup. I applied the usual amount of makeup onto my face, primer, foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, nude eyeshadow, Bronzer and some nude-ish lip gloss...I even contoured my face, a little. I went downstairs to the kitchen and picked up and apple.
"We're leaving to go to Cass' in half an hour" my mom said, not even looking at me.
"K" I replied simply. My mother finally had the decency to look at me, since she was talking to me. She rolled her eyes
"That outfit?!" She said "it's all black! You look like a goth!"
"I don't care! I like this outfit so I'm wearing it!" I say stubbornly
"Whatever." She said
~*~ an hour later ~*~
I was stood in the doorway of the café that I had walked past, the other day as my mom talked to this 'cass' woman. Then a familiar face walked down the stairs...Hiro? 

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