Chapter 3

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I unpacked the very little amount of things that my mother let me bring over from California. Once I was done I decided to take a walk around San FranSokyo. Y'know, just a little explore. I grabbed my blue hoodie, my gold iPhone 6 and my inhaler. Just in case. I walked down the stairs and down the stairs again. As I opened the front door I turned back and shouted
"Okay sweetie, have fun!" She shouted back and I closed the door, taking in the fresh summer breeze of San FranSokyo. I walked down to the end of my street and saw a cute café called 'The Lucky Cat' it looked nice in there. I spent another few hours wandering around until I found a small park. It was pretty cute. I sat on the bench to rest my legs since I was tired from all of the walking. I saw an ice cream van and surely, they'd sell drinks there, right? So I stood up and walked over.
"Hello, young lady what can I get you?" The friendly ice cream man asked
"Oh, just a coca cola, please" I smiled. The man in the van went to get one out of the mini fridge and handed it to me. I smiled and thanked him, handing him the money. As soon as I turned round there was a boy standing right behind me. It looked like he was about to pat my shoulder. He shocked me so I let out a little screech.
"S-sorry. Uhm, you left your phone on the bench over there, so I, uh, though id, y'know, uh, give it back to you..." He stuttered
"Thanks" I smiled as he handed me the phone. I examined the boy, messily tidy, ebony black hair. A blue hoodie...kind of like mine. A red t-shirt, some beige shorts and some trainers. He looked about my age.
"No problem, I'm Hiro. Hiro Hamada" he said
"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" you smiled and shook his hand.
"What phone is that?" He asked me
"iPhone 6"
"No way! Where did you get it?! It's not even out here!" He asked excitedly
"I'm from California. I just moved here and it's out there" I smile
"That's so cool!" He said enthusiastically. "So, you're new to San FranSokyo?" He asked and I just nodded
"I live on Wills road."
"No way! That's the richest street!" He said. Richest street? Oh my gosh! That's why we moved here! My mom got a better job with better pay!...I think. My phone started to ring and I checked the caller ID. It was my mom, I picked up the phone and answered
Y/N: hello?
Mom: hey sweetie, it's getting late. I'm making dinner it'll be ready in a half hour do you think you'll make it back in time?
Y/N: yeah I'll start walking in a minute.
Mom: okay, see you then!
I ended the call.
"Sorry, Hiro. I have to go, my mom is making food" I said
"No problem! Do you want me to walk you home? I mean, I only live a few streets down from Wills road" he asked. I smiled
"Sure, thanks" I said and we started walking. We got to know each other and he was really sweet. And pretty cute, may I add. Once I got home I said goodbye to Hiro and I was just in time for dinner. It was set out at the table. I ate it and went upstairs checking my phone. I had 3 text messages
'You're ugly'
'I'm glad you moved. You'll probably have no friends where you're going haha'
'Worthless piece of garbage!'
They were all from bullies. Tears filled my eyes and I rushed to the bathroom. I got out a blade from the cabinet over the sink and slit my wrist.
"Ugly." I said as I cut once more.
"Worthless" I said as I did another
"Garbage." And another. I got some tissue to clean the blood and rolled down my sleeve. I walked slowly into my bedroom and lay on my bed, sobbing quietly. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

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