Chapter 7

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Hiro's POV

(Y/N) had fallen asleep in my arms...I was shocked to find out she hurt herself in that way. I know when Tadashi was gone, I was tempted. But I still didn't. I want to help her, regain her confidence and help her see how beautiful she really is. I know, we're only friends but I feel butterflies when she calls my name...and tingles run through my body every time we touch. I don't know, maybe I was falling for her, but for now, I just want to keep her happy and safe...and away from those blades. I know I shouldn't have done, but I picked up her phone. I read through all the messages and some of the things people were saying to her were awful...she isn't any of those things. And I can tell this is driving her up the wall...she's sleep deprived! Not to mention the thousands of scars going up her arms. Does her mother know she harms herself like this? I pick up her arm and examine it once more, when I feel something squirming about.
"H-Hiro.." (Y/N) mumbles
"'s okay" I say, still holding onto her arm. She shot up from her sleep, looked at me and realised I was holding her arm. She yanked her arm away and tears filled her eyes
"P-please don't Hiro...please don't tell my mom...or anyone...please don't think I'm a freak" she cried, tears streaming down her face. I look her in the eye, hugging her
"Shhhh, there's no way on earth I'd do that to you..." I say, into her hair. She nods, unable to speak. She then pulls away from the hug and I pull her sleeve down with a soft smile.
"I want to help you," I say
"No you don't."
"I do, (Y/N), I really do."
"There's nothing you can do." She says, I look down, obviously upset
"Hiro-I'm sorry I di-" (Y/N) starts, but she gets cut off by aunt cass
"Kids! Dinner's ready!"  She calls. I stand up from the bed, holding out my hand
"M'lady?" I smile
"Why, thank you, kind sir," she giggles and takes my hand, I help her up and we both walk downstairs to a wonderful table full of food. I sit next to Cass and (Y/N) sat next to her mother. I watched (Y/N) closely, she hardly ate a thing.
"Thank you, Cass, this is lovely." She said
"Oh, no problem, sweetie. And call me Aunt Cass" my aunt beamed at the girl I have a crush on. Im not even scared to admit it. I had a crush on (Y/N). No doubt about it. She pushed her food around the plate, not looking up.
"Aunt Cass, I'm finished, can me and (Y/N) go back upstairs now? If she's finished, too." I said looking at her. She nodded to indicate that she was.
"Of course. Off you go!" Cass smiled. I stood up, (Y/N) did too and we went back to my bedroom. As soon as we reached my room I closed the door
"What's wrong. You didn't eat a thing." I say, looking her in the eye.
"I wasn't hungry." She said quickly
"That's not the reason. You're listening to those texts, aren't you? The ones that call you fat?" I questioned. She stayed silent. I sighed "(Y/N), you're not fat. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I say softly.
Ellie's POV.
Why? Why does he care? He's just acting like it...he's leading me on. I like him. No, I don't. I can't. I always fall for the wrong people and he just sees me as a  friend.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
But I really, really do.

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