A College Girl

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      We were standing so close, my hands on his chest. I knocked on it, and he laughed, the old memories of how we met running through my mind. He smiled sweetly then kissed my lips. This is what pure happiness feels like, bliss and joy. Being with the one you love is the best feeling in the world, knowing you both went through hell just to be together and finally you can enjoy it.

   I didn’t regret my decision, I’m glad I made the choice I did, but there’s always the ‘what if’. What if I had chosen Seth? What if I had never met the man I loved? This moment right now wouldn’t be happening, I wouldn’t feel his strong arms around me, wouldn’t be able to feel his heartbeat under the warmth of my palm.               

   I try not to think back of how it could be, it sends pain through my heart seeing the same image of those blue eyes full of sadness and longing looking at me with desperation.

   I can feel hot tears burn in my eyes, I look down trying to obscure my face from his view. He continues to stroke my hair not noticing the sudden sadness I’m filled with, I take a deep breath and close my eyes to clear my head. I sigh and push the images out my mind, trying to bring back my happiness that I had a few moments ago. 

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