Chapter 5: Yugi's punishment

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   The boy beneath me gasps my name as he regains consciousness. My eyes lazily drift up to meet his gaze. His eyes are wide with shock and confusion. "What is going on?" I chuckle darkly into his ear making him shiver.
   "Your punishment, what else?"
   "Punishment?! " the boy says incredulously. "Punishment for what exactly?"
   My eyes narrow dangerously at the boy beneath me. Even in a situation like this he is still able to make me second guess myself. This boy's influence over me is strong, but I refuse to allow him to manipulate me even if he doesn't know that he's doing it. "You had abandoned me for the entirety of the day. That was not at all what you had told me was to happen. You. Lied. To. Me." I bring my face down close to his, our noses just barely grazing one another. "And that is just unforgivable."
   "Yami," he begins but I cut him off by covering his mouth with my palm.
   "The more you speak the worse it will be for you." I growl to him. Small shudders rack through his form as his eyes never stray from my own. "Do you understand?" He nods his head slowly. "Good boy." I murmur into his ear, gently grazing my teeth against his earlobe. Yugi shivers against me causing a smirk to form on my lips.
   I let my lips glide down from his ear to his neck where I nip and kiss at his pale skin. A bright blush covers his skin and his eyes scrunch tightly shut. He seems to be enjoying himself. I glide my tongue up the hollow of his neck. A startled and pleased gasp escapes his lips. I slide my hand away from his lips so I can hear each sound that escapes his mouth. My ears revel in the sounds of his contentment but something inside me longs for so much more.
   My teeth scrape against his skin. Goosebumps begin to form all over his skin because of the new sensation. "Yami." He murmurs. I growl and sink my teeth harshly into his neck. Yugi screams in pain. Blood coats my tongue and lips as I watch his face convulse in pain. Thin streams of tears streak down his pale cheeks. I unlatch myself from his neck and glare into his tear filled eyes.
   "What did I say about talking?" I growl down at him.
   "I couldn't help it." He sobs. His entire form shaking from the force of his sobs. "It just slipped out." Yugi whimpers, looking up at me with pitiful eyes. Something inside me convulses in pain, making me lose my breath. Yugi looks away from me as tears continue to stream down his face. The shadows restraining him dissipate and before his wrists can even hit the pillow I capture them in my large hands. I pull him harshly towards me. His face is nestled in the crook of my neck as I cradle his form in my arms.
   Yugi's blood covers my shirt but it doesn't faze me. I know that as soon as Yugi stops crying the blood and the wound will vanish. The only thing that will remain is my overwhelming sense of guilt. Yugi's tears burn my skin with remorse and pain as his sobs echo in my ears.
   "Shh," I whisper into his ear as I pull him tightly against me. "It'll be ok." My words fall on deaf ears as he continues to cry. I sigh as I begin to grow increasingly exasperated. Is there anything I can do to make him stop crying? Memories of my mother holding me in her arms and singing to me flash before my eyes. Singing isn't one of my favorite things to do....but it's worth a shot.
I inhale deeply as I begin to sing.
"The darkest hour before the light,"
    "Hidden treasure plain in sight,"
    "For a moment, standing still"
   "They say we're crazy, they say we're ill"
   "What they don't understand,"
   "They fear inside,"
   "what they don't understand they try to hide,"
   "You can't hide from us, you can't, you can't,"
   "You can't hide from us,"
   "Please don't leave me standing here,"
   "Heart open, filled with fear,"
   "What you don't understand,"
   "You fear from me,"
   "What you can't understand,"
   "Is that I fear me,"
   A small hand rests on my cheek as two puffy purple eyes stare into mine. Those beautiful eyes seem to be peering deep into my heart as we remain silent. My eyes drop away from his and I pull away from his touch. His hands shoot out and pull my face back towards his. Yugi's eyes unblinkingly staring deep into mine. "Yami-"
   "I'm so sorry." I interrupt. The words burn my throat as they escape my mouth, I had never spoken those words to anyone. This sudden concern for the emotional well being of another person is foreign to me and it frightens me but I'm helpless to stop it.
   "Yami, is what you said true?" I peer at him curiously. "Do you fear yourself?" A deep sigh escapes my lips as I pull the boy closer, my grip on him tightening.
   "I fear that I will repeat the mistakes of my past." I murmur. "I am not a good person Yugi."
   "Is anyone really?" He challenges. I smile slightly as I fight the urge to reply: you. "What did you do in the past that has you so fearful now? You have a second chance at life. You can make amends and live a life without fear or regret."
   I chuckle dryly. "That was my problem originally Yugi...I lived without fear of the consequences of my actions or any regret for them. That is what lead me here." My eyes drift down towards the young man in my arms. "Lead me to you, to this time, to this moment. I shouldn't even exist. My soul should have been cast adrift thousands of years ago."
   "Stop that!" He says sternly. "Stop hating yourself!"
   "Yugi I killed people." The boy stiffens in my arms.
   "Many people died in ancient Egypt." He mumbles.
   "You're not understanding." I say bitterly. "I killed them for the mere pleasure of it. It's true that many were traitors and enemies but the way I killed them was merciless and cruel...I tortured them Yugi. They would scream for weeks until I would finally silence them. I was able to get away with this remorseless killing all because of my position in society...I am a monster." Tears begin to stream down my cheeks like silent rivers.
   "Yami, let me help you." I look down at him with affectionate eyes.
   "You can't." I say sadly. "You can't change my nature. I am naturally cold and cruel, today is a fine example of that. There is nothing you can do to help or change me."
   "Not if you don't give me the chance." He says determinedly. I can tell just by looking into his eyes that he will not drop this subject easily and that he will do anything and everything in his power to help me. This beautiful soul that I hold in my arms would probably give up his own existence if it would mean helping me.
   "Yugi-" I start, but the world begins to shift into a golden light. Yugi begins to vanish from my arms in a shimmer of white light. It would appear that our time has ran out. I sigh as I sit in the shadow of the bed wallowing in my grief and regret. My eyes close as I struggle to fight off the tears threatening to flow. A soft hand wipes away my tears. My eye snap open to see Yugi once more.
   We are both lieing on his bed and he pulls me close to him. My tears flow onto his shoulder as he holds my trembling form. He gently pulls the blanket over us as we lie together. "There is no need to cry." He whispers. "No matter what you do, you will always have me Yami."
   "Yugi!" I sob as I tightly latch onto the boy. He holds me and runs his fingers through my hair soothingly. My tears begin to slow but he continues to run his gentle fingers through my hair until I feel my eyes slowly begin to close. The last thing I see is his sweet smile as he whispers: "Sweet dreams Yami." took me far too long to realize what you are. You are something that I have been lacking for the last five thousand years. You are my light. My hikari.

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