Chapter 19: Don't even touch him!!

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"Must you do this?"
"Yes, perhaps Marik will be able to overpower the spirit that's possessing him. It's possible that there is still good in him."
"Trust me no good could ever come from being possessed by Malik." I say bitterly. Yugi looks at me with a weary expression. "Little one, please, don't do this."
"Yami," he sighs. "He's already on his way over here. I will have to talk to him eventually. What do you want me to do, pretend I'm not home?"
"Yes!" I answer quickly.
"I was joking, Yami."
"Well good thing one of us was being serious because I wasn't!" Yugi chuckles at my outburst as I glare down at him.
"Yami don't look at me like that." He laughs. "You act like I'm going to disappear entirely."
"Aibou, I'm just afraid...I don't want anything to happen to you." I say with downcast eyes. Yugi pouts as he starts running towards me. "Aibo-" He crashes into me forcing us both to crash on the floor. Serious purple eyes stare into my crimson.
"I'm right in front of you." He says bringing my hand to rest on his heart. "And even if I'm not here before you I will always be in your heart." He says with a smile.
"Let's try to avoid that result. Ok?" Yugi giggles as I wrap my arms around his small form. His laughter increases as my breath tickles his neck.
"Yami! No fair!" He giggles uncontrollably. I can't help but sigh in contentment. Even though I may not have a body of my own, or have my former power Yugi has made me feel complete. I don't need anything but Yugi.

A loud knock sounds on the door as we descend the stairs. Yugi looks up at me.
"Are you ready?"
"As ready as I can be." I mutter as Yugi's hand rests on the doorknob. He takes a deep breath before turning the doorknob and letting the door swing open. The innocent face of Marik greets us. A broad smile on his face as he greets Yugi. He walks into the house casually chatting with Yugi.
Apprehension has its powerful grip on my heart as I watch the boys. I don't know what's going to happen, but I can feel in my heart that it's going to be bad. Yugi and Marik start making their way up the stairs to Yugi's room. Something inside me snaps. I refuse to allow Malik to be anywhere near my Yugi. If he wants Yugi he will have to go through me! I hurry back to Yugi's side, following him everywhere like a shadow.

"Your turn Yugi." Marik says cheerfully as he finishes placing his cards. The two boys have been playing this card game for two hours without an incident. Boredom begins to toy with my mind as I slump down the wall. I had played this game before in ancient Egypt. At least back then it was more interesting to watch, since there were real monsters.
"I win Marik." Yugi says calmly as he places the winning card on the floor. Marik stares in shock at Yugi.
"You're really good at this Yugi."
"Thank you." He says with a small smile that quickly fades. "Marik, I have a question."
"Oh, what is it?"
"You have a millennium item just like mine right?"
"Yeah, I have the millennium rod. My sister found it and gave it to me." He says with a cheerful smile.
"May I see it?"
/"Yugi what are you up to?"/
/"Just watch."/
"Sure!" Malik says reaching into the bag behind him. He pulls out the golden instrument and presents it to Yugi. I watch Marik expectantly and sure enough I can see the shift begin to progress. His eyes turn cold and his lips curl into a smirk. "Hello, little Yugi." He says with a sneer.
"Hello Malik."
"It would seem that the pharaoh has told you about me." Malik's eyes slowly drift towards me as I edge closer to Yugi. "How thoughtful." He sneers.
"His name is Yami." Yugi says coldly.
"Oh, is that what he told you?"
"That is what he would prefer to be called yes." Is he quoting me? "Is there a problem?" He's quoting me! We're going to be having a discussion about that later!
"You seem to be rather fond of the pharaoh."
"And you don't."
"On the contrary, I care for our pharaoh greatly."
"Then why did you kill him?"
/"Aibou! Don't anger him!"/ I warn, but Yugi ignores me.
"It is so difficult for me to explain." He says with a sigh. His eyes glance towards me and I see the millennium rod flash in his grip. I reach out for Yugi, but before I can reach him I am once more trapped within the puzzle. Only this time I am sealed in by Malik. He has separated me from Yugi.
"Yami?" Yugi asks as he searches for me.
"Yugi! Get out of there!"
"Oh don't worry pharaoh." Malik says coldly. "I won't harm your little Yugi. I only wish to enlighten him."
"I don't understand." Yugi says quietly.
"Let me show you." He says extending the rod out to Yugi's head.
"Yugi!" I scream from within the puzzle.
He scrambles away from Malik, only to be pursued. Yugi continues to retreat until he is backed against a wall.
"Don't even touch him!"
"Pleasant dreams Yugi." Malik says as he presses the eye of Horus onto his forehead. "May the gods deliver you." Yugi's eyes shut as his body slumps.

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