Chapter 16: the rift

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"What do you mean you don't know what happened?" Yugi accuses. The shrill sound of his words makes pain course through my head in waves. I hiss in pain as he glares at me. "You were unconscious on the balcony of my school and you're trying to tell me that you don't know how you got there?"
"Yes." I lie. Yugi's eyes darken as he stares at me. He knows that I'm lying. Please Yugi, don't push. "It's all a blur." Yugi slams a pillow into my chest as he drops back onto the bed and rolls away from me. His face positioned towards the wall while his back is pointed towards me. "Yugi." I whine as I lay my head on his side. "Don't be angry."
"You're lying to me Yami." He says emotionlessly. "Why do you feel the need to do that?" A deep sigh escapes me as I wrap my arms around my hikari's slight form.
"There are some things that you are best not knowing."
"Like who hurt you?"
"Especially that."
"I hate this Yami." I peer down at my little one with concern.
"What do you hate Yugi?"
"The fact that you feel that you need to keep secrets from me!" He says whirling around to face me. His eyes clouded over in anger. "I have told you everything that you have ever wanted to know about me and more! Why can't you do the same for me?! You have no idea what it feels like to be kept in the dark!"
"Oh I don't?" I challenge. Yugi flinches. "You're right I don't know how it feels." My arms drop from his sides. "It's not like I've spent the past five thousand years shrouded in complete darkness. But you're right I would have no idea."
"I don't want to hear it." I say vanishing within the confines of the puzzle.

My heart aches. I am only trying to protect him from the dangers of my past. Why can't he just accept that? The dangers from my past seem to be desperate to become present in this time as well. Yugi. I wish that I could make you see that what I do, I do for you. My light. My love. My Yugi. If anything happened to you...words cannot describe what I would feel. So please trust me...please.

"Goodmorning Yami." Yugi whispers to my puzzle hesitantly. "I know that you're still angry with me, but I want you to know...I'm sorry." Yugi. My dear, sweet Yugi. I appear in the place of the puzzle with Yugi's lips gently pressed against my neck. I shiver at the contact as he pulls away with a blush.
"That was a rather pleasant wake up call." I say with a smirk.
"I didn't think you would come out of the puzzle." He whispers. "Sorry."
"No more of that." I pull him into my arms. "I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you."
Yugi shakes his head against my chest. "You were right." He murmurs. "I'm probably better off not knowing."
I lean my head down until my mouth rests against my love's ear. "You will know, just not now. I promise that I will tell you everything soon." Yugi smiles up at me before he kisses me gently.
"I'll hold you to it." I chuckle against his lips.
"I wouldn't expect any less from you."

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