Chapter 6: Yugi's revenge

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   Thin streams of sunlight filter through my eyelashes, forcing me to turn away from the light. Unfortunately that one movement causes me to snap awake. My mind is alert and I can tell that there is no possible chance that I will be drifting back off to sleep today. I sigh as I sit upright in the bed, my back pressed against the wall. The room is silent, exempt of Yugi's quiet breathing as he continues to sleep.
   "Yami, let me help you."
   "You can't."
   "Not if you don't give me the chance."
   A thin smile forces itself onto my lips at the memory. The memory has a rather bittersweet feeling to it. Yugi has no idea what he is getting himself into. His mind can't comprehend the horrors that have transpired in my wake. My hikari will lose his innocent glow once he uncovers all of the horrors that I have committed.
   Yugi snuggles against my waist. His hair tickles my exposed skin at my sides as he positions his head onto my thigh. I struggle to contain my laughter. His satin hair has discovered one of my personal secrets that I have kept secret for my entire existence: I am horribly ticklish. My hand jumps to my lips as I struggle to contain my laughter. Why won't Yugi just stop moving?! I sink my teeth lightly into my fist in a futile attempt to stop the onslaught of laughter. Yugi finally stops moving. His face is positioned into the junction of my thigh and waist.
   I sigh in relief when his hair ceases its sadistic touches. My breath hitches in my throat as I feel a new sensation at my waist threatening to make me explode with laughter. Yugi's light and slow breathing raises goosebumps on my skin. I bite my lip harshly to hold back what is threatening to escape me. Yugi releases another breath on my skin and I know that it is too late for me. An explosion of laughter falls from my lips as my body convulses attempting to escape from this sensation. Yugi is startled awake and clutches onto my waist in surprise. His breath continuing to torture me.
   "Yugi...let go!" I say in between gasps of laughter.
   "Let go!" I gasp out again. "Please." A gleam of understanding shines in his eyes as he pulls me back down onto the bed. My back slams down onto the bed and I stare up in surprise as Yugi sits on my waist looking down at me, streams of morning light filtering through his hair. Yugi's hands are firmly placed on my collarbone keeping me pinned beneath him. His eyes stare deeply into mine and I feel myself beginning to get lost in those bright purple eyes.
   "Seems that I found a weakness." He whispers to me. I say nothing as he continues to stare at me. "I wonder where it ends."
   "That is something you will never know." I say sternly.
   "So certain." He says as he slides one of his hands underneath my shirt letting his hand rest on the planes of my stomach. "What if I said it was your turn for punishment?" My eyes widen in shock and understanding.
   "You wouldn't dare!"
   "Oh but I do." He says with a playful smile as his fingers begin dancing across my skin. My body trembles from the force of my laughter. Yugi's hands continue to wander across my body finding every sensitive bundle of flesh. He is beginning to understand that there is nowhere on my body that isn't sensitive to touch. His hands drift up towards my neck and I take this chance to push him off of me. I roll off the bed and before I can scramble to my feet Yugi leaps onto my back pinning me down onto the ground. His breath assaulting the back of my neck as his fingers race down my spine.
   "Yugi!" I gasp out as I struggle to regain my composure.
   "Do you surrender?" He says teasingly.
   "Never!" I can feel him shrug on top of me.
   "Suit yourself."  His fingers slip underneath my shirt and tickle the sensitive skin eliciting more laughter. After several minutes of continuous torture I can't take it anymore. I slam my hands onto the floor repeatedly. Yugi looks at me curiously but his fingers never cease their movements.
   "Yugi!" I choke out as I continue to slam my hands against the ground. "I give! I give!" Yugi chuckles as he ceases his ministrations. Sweet merciful oxygen refills my lungs as my sides ache from my laughter. Yugi lays his head on my shoulder so our faces are almost touching.
   "I didn't think 'darkness' was ticklish." He teases.
   "Shut up." I hiss menacingly, but Yugi just continues to smile. "Who knew you were so sadistic."
   "I learned from the best." He chuckles. "At least I didn't restrain you to a bed."
   "Stop pretending that you wouldn't enjoy that." I mumble into the floor. Yugi's sweet light laughter fills my ears as he nuzzles my neck.
   "You're right." He says coyly. "I would be pretending if I said that." A bright red color springs to my cheeks as his words sink in. Yugi chuckles into my ear as he rises off me. "I'll be downstairs Yami. Come on down when you're ready." And just like that he was gone. Leaving me alone to my thoughts.

   My hikari is playing with fire. He is doing this to me on purpose. Yugi is aware of what it does to me and he continues to push my buttons. Though I will admit that I rather enjoy it when he does. The feeling of his fingers dragging over my skin makes goosebumps raise on my arms. It isn't just his fingers that mesmerize me it is also his eyes. Those brilliant eyes turn my mind into mush and I can't help but stare into them bringing me into a relaxing state of nothingness.
   I wrap my head up in my arms as my heart pounds in my chest. Is it possible that my hikari is making me sentimental? Yugi. Just what are you doing to me?

   Yugi walks back into the room with a bowl of steaming mush. I look at it skeptically as he places a bowl in front of my sprawled out form on the floor. The contents of the bowl are a tan brown and there are various bumps in the bowl. It looks absolutely disgusting but the sweet smell it is giving off is enticing. My stomach rumbles as I continue to stare at this foreign mass I glance over at Yugi to see that he is already eating his gruel. He pauses mid bite and looks at me curiously.
   "You not hungry Yami?"
   "No I am." I say as I stare at the mush with narrowed eyes.
   "Then why aren't you eating?" Yugi says with a light laugh that sends a slight shiver down my spine. "The food isn't going to float into your mouth."
   "What is it?" I ask, ignoring his teasing.
   "Oh!" He says as he lies beside me on the floor. "It's called porridge. It's a mixture of grains and spices." He pulls the bowl closer to me. "This one is brown sugar and cinnamon."
   "I see." I murmur.
   "Just try it." Yugi coaxes. "You might like it." Yugi grabs the spoon and brings some of the gelatinous mush to my lips. I turn my head away from it slightly and Yugi looks at me with a slight disappointment that shines in his eyes. That look sends shocks of pain through my chest. I sigh silently as I turn back towards the spoon and wrap my lips around the mush. A sweet sugary taste coats my tongue. The taste is almost nostalgic, yet I can't place where I would have tasted anything even remotely similar. A small grin stretches my lips as I continue to take small bites of porridge.
   A small blush has graced my hikari's cheeks as he watches me eat. My grin mutates into a big smirk as I wink at him. He gasps and looks away from me hurriedly and begins to eat his food in a rather flustered manner. Well, it seems that our little flirt isn't as experienced as his actions would suggest. I struggle to conceal my chuckle as I continue to eat my breakfast.
   Yugi finishes his bowl quickly and rushes out of the room with a change of clothes. I watch him race across the hall and the room in a rather panicked state of mind. The actions of the boy only confuse me even more so I just shrug and return to my breakfast. My clothing shifts through the connection between Yugi and I, but I don't even bother to look. The pounding of his feet on the floor alerts me to his rapid approach and I yawn as I slowly rise into a sitting position.
   "Yami, we're leaving now." He says quickly.
   "Ok Yugi." I say with a yawn. "Where are we g-" I catch sight of my hikari.
   "Yami? What's wrong?"
   "What the hell are you wearing?!" Yugi glances down at his clothes self consciously.
   "What, you don't like them?" He says with a small frown. "It's the style."
   "You look like a bondage slave." I say bluntly. The boy is wearing a tight black leather shirt and pants. On their own it wouldn't be bad, but the accentuating chains and choker collar make it look like Yugi was just taken off of a leash. Yugi blushes a bright scarlet, but says nothing as he walks over to his desk and pulls on two leather wrist bands adorned with silver studs.
   " it your intention to look like that?"
   "No!" He splutters. "This is just an outfit that my friends gave me and I like it so I'm going to wear it! Even if you think I look awful in it!" He throws the millennium puzzle around his neck and rushes out the door pulling me along with him.
   "I never said you looked awful." I mumble as we rush down the stairs.
   "It was all over your face."
   "You misunderstood my expression." I say glancing at him out of the corner of my eyes. "I rather...appreciate the outfit." I say with a small smirk that warrants me a blush. "Mainly the idea of others staring at you in such apparel makes me concerned." Yugi relaxes and gives me a light smile as he grabs my hand.
   "That's really sweet Yami. You're concerned." He teases.
   "Shut up!" I shout as I phase back into the puzzle in an embarrassed huff. The light sound of Yugi's laughter echo through the halls of the puzzle and I can't help but smile at the sound.
   "No need to worry Yami." His voice whispers through the twists and turns like a muffled echo. I hope you're right Yugi.

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