Chapter 8: Pure hatred

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"But why?"
"I could hardly stand them when they couldn't see me, why would I suddenly be able to stand them now that they could see me?"
"Because you would be doing it for me?" He says with a slight pouting face. I narrow my eyes at him.
"No really, why?"
"That's cold Yami, even for you." He says with a frown.
"It's what I do." I say with a mock bow. My eyes never straying from his as I reach up and ruffle his hair.
"You really won't meet my friends?"
"Not now, not even in five thousand years or beyond." I fling myself back onto the bed. My hair getting ruffled by the soft blanket that Yugi and I have been sharing each night. Ever since that horrid night several weeks ago Yugi has refused to allow me to sleep alone in the puzzle. He always forces me to appear out of the puzzle and sleep in his bed with him. The feeling of his small arms wrapped around me fills me with a warm sense of contentment. Ever since we have been sharing a bed it has been the best sleep I have had in centuries.
"Why can't you do this for me?"
"Why are you being so adamant about it? What is the reasoning behind them wanting to meet me all of a sudden? They have known of my presence for quite some time. Excuse my wariness of such a sudden interest in me."
"They just want to know you like I do." He says with a small smile. "What if I make it worth your while?" I raise an eyebrow in question.
"Meaning what exactly?" He lies on the bed beside me and wraps his slender arms around my waist. His beautiful face peering up at me with those mesmerizing eyes.
"If you do this for me I'll do anything you want."
I smirk, "This is a rather dangerous game you're playing, hikari." My eyes scorch into his face. I can tell just by how he begins to squirm that I'm making him a bit self conscious. "You would really do anything I say without question?"
"Anything within reason." He says cautiously.
"That's not what you said earlier." I say, rising to a sitting position. His small arms still clinging onto my waist. My fingers graze the smooth skin of his arms causing small goosebumps to form from my touch.
"It was implied." He mumbles into my waist. I chuckle as I run my fingers through his hair.
"Many things that you say are implied." I say meaningfully.
"Implying what?" He says looking up at me with those gorgeous eyes.
"Telling you would only take away my pleasure. You don't want to do that, do you?" I ask as I position his chin upward with a single finger. His face glows a deep red as his mind computes everything that I had just said. His eyes are glazing over as he stares at me. I know that this innocent boy is becoming confused by my antics and our previous encounters, but now is not the time to discuss that.
"I'll do it." He blinks suddenly, the thick haze slowly fading from his eyes.
"You'll do what?"
"I'll meet your friends."
"Oh, thank you!" He tightly hugs me. "They'll be so glad to meet you an-"
"Let's get this straight I'm only doing this for you, nothing more, nothing less." I say with a cold expression that I feel doesn't really meet my eyes. This boy has made me lose my edge.
"Ok." He says with a small smile. "I'll make it up to you."
"I know you will."

This is so much worse than I could have possibly imagined. The boy called Joey keeps trying to throw his arm around my shoulder and I keep nimbly dodging him. The man named Tristan keeps asking me about a card game called Duel Monsters and what my favorite card is. I'm from ancient Egypt why would I give a damn about his favorite card? The worst of all is the girl named Tea.
Ever since I have approached the group she has showered me in compliments and poorly veiled attempts at flirting. In all brutal honesty, she disgusts me. Her vulgar behavior and her over exaggerated belief in her own sex appeal makes me want to send her to a brothel. The gods only know that she would be successful there. Just the sight of her neck makes it painfully obvious that she is no stranger to sexual encounters even though she tries to conceal it with makeup.
/"Yami, how's it going?"/ Yugi asks from within the millennium puzzle.
/"Is there a punishment in your culture for selling a woman to a brothel?"/
/"Yes!"/ he shouts. /"Why do you want to sell Tea into prostitution?!"/
/"She acts like one well enough that I believe that she will be rather successful in the profession."/
/"Yami! That's awful."/
/"You're not telling me I'm wrong."/
"What are you thinking about Yami?" Tea asks flirtatiously as she pokes my cheek with one of her overly manicured nails. "You talking with Yugi?"
I grunt my answer. She smiles at me. "What are you talking about?" She asks as she wraps her arms around my chest, pulling me towards her. I scowl down at her.
"You really want to know?"
"Yes." She whispers huskily. She expects me to say something complimentary towards her. Poor thing, so trapped in her own delusion that she has no real grasp on reality. It would be my honor to wake her up.
/"Yami don't-"/
"We were discussing selling you into prostitution." The entire group falls silent until both of the boys erupt into a loud fit of laughter. "Well I was, Yugi was just kind of there." I admit with a shrug. Her hand shot out to slap me but I caught her wrist in my hand before it made contact. Her eyes were enraged as she glares into my crimson eyes.
"What has Yugi told you?" She hisses. I look at her curiously.
"What are yo-"
"Sure I rejected him, and I probably wasn't the kindest person to him, but I hardly knew him and he can't turn people against me for it!" I fall silent as I hold onto her wrist and the boys seeing my face begin to back away hurriedly.
/"Yami-"/ I disconnect my mind from the puzzle so then Yugi can no longer hear or know what I'm doing.
"Tell me." I say dangerously low. Her eyes widen in fear at my sudden change in tone. "Did it feel good?" She looks at me confused so I continue. "Did it feel good to crush his self esteem, to watch as his confidence and his happiness shattered before his eyes...tell me how did it feel?" I shout as I tighten my grip on her wrist. She yelps in pain and tears begin to form in her eyes.
"You're hurting me!" She cries.
"This is only a fraction of the pain that you have caused Yugi!" Tears begin to stream down her cheeks. "I can feel his pain through his memories. You made him so low he wanted to harm himself...that is unforgivable to me. You broke my aibou!"
"But he didn't-"
"You're right he didn't! No thanks to you." I begin harshly twisting her wrist. She screeches in pain. "I have killed hundreds of people like you in the past." She looks at me with pure fear. "I won't do it for Yugi's sake, not yours." I pull her close to my face. I can almost taste her fear on my lips as she sobs. "You're repulsive." I say as I push her down to the ground. "If you ever come near Yugi will come to regret it." All I hear is her sobbing as I walk away. Soon as I am far enough away that Yugi can't hear her sobs I contact him.
/"I'm on my way back Yugi."/
/"Yami what happened?"/ he asks worriedly.
/"Nothing aibou. Tea had gone home and the rest of the guys decided to head out too."/ I lie.
/"oh ok."/ he says. I can tell that he's not completely convinced but he complies anyways.
/"We'll be home soon."/
Even if Yugi can't come to understand what I did to Tea I do not regret it. I had said what needed to be said. She believed that she was innocent in that circumstance. I merely opened her eyes to the truth. I know someday that Yugi will come to thank me for what I have done.

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