The Fall

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"As he promised me a forever,
I believed every word like a toddler.
As time goes by,
The feeling he had
for me started to die."

It's been 2 years already and we are still together happy and strong. We've been in so many ups and downs, on and offs. Still we hold on to each other like glue cause I can feel deep inside me that what we have is true love.

Until that that faithfull day when he acted strange and he wouldn't answer any of my texts or calls.

I went to visit his house but his mom would only say that he is not at home or his busy.

The feeling that I have inside my chest is unbearable it totally feels like I am slowly being constricted inside by a python.
I can't eat, sleep and even think right.

I am getting low grades in school. (By the way I am still the weirdo at the back of the class cause no body would bother to talk to me cause maybe I look like a potato or maybe the fact that I punched the lights off Steve) I am at the last two years of my college years I can't even enjoy it because of him.

I texted him to go and meet me at the same exact spot where we had first meet at the same time.
This must be some kind of miracle then, I thought to myself as he showed up, their he was standing at the exact spot we first meet, wearing a blue shirt and a black skinny jeans.

"What's wrong? Why are you trying to cut me off?" I asked, my voice is a bit shaky.
He looked at me with a hollow stare then he grabbed my hand pulled me towards him and I slammed on his chest and he hugged me tighter than I can ever imagine. He said no words we just stood their for a couple of minutes.
"Come with me" he said as he slowly release me from his hug.
"To where?" I asked.
"To have fun and I am sorry if I ever neglected you." He said in a warm tender voice as he leans in and kisses my forehead.
As the night passed we went to every club in the city hand in hand we walk through doors. I was blinded by the flashing lights and the tangy smell of liquor. Then we checked in, on a motel. He started kissing me and I kissed him back. As we kiss I can feel his hands having a venture towards my body as it went to many different places that made me feel scared yet excited. As he strip down my clothes I felt a bit ashamed for I know that this is not right but there were no words said. Then I gave in to him as he kiss my lips, and slowly down to the part that made me scream.

I woke up in the morning and saw him sleeping angelically as if nothing naughty had happened last night. I caressed his face with the palm of my hand which woke him up and when he opened his eyes, his lips danced into a sweet smile. The feeling I had was beyond words. We did the same thing every single day. The moment seems perfect, perhaps too perfect.
That was when until one day he asked me to come over and I did, bringing a batch of freshly baked cookies...

"Excuse me miss you dropped your earing." Interupted by a man in a black leather jacket.

He smiled "are you crying miss? Oh wait." He said as he reach to his pocket and hand me a blue hanky.

I just stared at him again like a a complete idiot cause I was mesmarize by the way he looks. He was about 5'11 ft tall, with a stunning hazel brown eyes that seems to glow everytime he would smile, and incredible shiny brown hair.

"Ah thank you. I'm not crying my eyes are just a bit sweaty" I said as I grabbed my earings and his hanky from his hand (which by the way I didn't knew fell off gaaaahhh.I am such an idiot.).

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing in the forest entrance? Don't tell me you're going to turn into a wolf or anything like that" He asked with a puzzling expression.

"Ah-the-uummm- It's a long story." I stuttered. (I know not the smartest thing I've ever said.)

He laughed and looked me in the eye and we just stared at each other for a minute or two.

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