Chapter 2

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Aria's POV
"Exactly what the hell were you thinking?" My brother roared at me flying his old VW bug around the curves in the road.

Resting my elbow on the door handle and holding my head in my hand I stared out the window, ignoring the conversation altogether.

"You know can't date him. I absolutely forbid that you meet up with him, you know better than that Aria. You have to be smarter than this." I slid my eyes over in his direction, taking in the pulsing vein on his forehead, his knuckles white from the grip on the steering wheel. Taking in a big sigh I look back out the window at the ocean letting the sound of the waves block out Artem's condescending voice.

We finally pull into the driveway of my Aunt Sarah's beach house. It was nothing grandiose but to me it was always perfect. The sunshine yellow exterior matched all the happy memories that were made there, the white lining making it look extra crisp against the blue Southern California sky. Jogging up the narrow staircase allowed me to put some space between my brother and I while he unloaded our beach gear. I let myself in the house, loving how Aunt Sarah always left the windows open so that the white linen drapes fluttered in the ocean breeze. I kicked off my Chacos by the front door and made my way to the kitchen where Sarah was reading a book at the table and her trusty mastiff, Winston, lay asleep on the floor by her feet.

"Hi sweetie!" Sarah called up to me, gently placing her bookmark on her page before looking up at me. "You got some sun today!"

Leaning against the door frame I smile back at her, "Yeah, I guess I did."

She shot me a perplexed look, "Aria, what's -" before she could complete her sentence Artem burst through the front door.

"Aria! We were not finished with that conversation!"

I raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips at Sarah who gave me an understanding nod, directing her gaze towards my enraged brother.

"Aunt Sarah, you can't allow her to do this." Artem gestured wildly to me, earning a healthy glare from me.

"Hmm, the last time I checked she could do pretty much everything." Sarah nonchalantly gazed over the rim of her coffee cup back at my brother whose jaw, along with my own, had dropped.

I looked back between my brother and Sarah as they had a epic stare down trying to stifle my own laughter.

Oh my gosh, yes! At least she's on my side. My inner self took a huge sigh of relief.

"Aunt Sarah, she is the crown princess..." My brother started but was soon cut off as Sarah rose to to her feet.

"Look, I don't care whatever title someone has tacked onto her name. This young lady, is perfectly capable of making her own decisions and taking care of herself. Humans aren't all that bad and the sooner you come to realize that Prince Artem, the better our people will be for it." Her once playful tone took a drastic turn to the commanding tone she used to reserve for the royal courts. The air in the kitchen stilled as the two remained staring each other down.

"The day you lost your mother, I lost my sister. Don't you think for one second I don't think of her every time you both walk out that door." Her usually soft brown eyes burned holes into my brothers as she pointed towards the front door, daring him to question her. "But I know that your mother wouldn't want you to stop living or condemn an entire species for the actions of a few. Aria will soon have to lead our people and it will not be all sunshine and coral, there will be storms, but out of anyone I know she will be able to do it. As her brother and her subject, you are to support her.  It's best you learn that now."

I was never used to hearing Sarah raise her voice at anyone, especially Artem and I. After my mother had passed she had stepped in to help raise us, she was a constant in our life.

Artem's face turned red from the words he was undoubtedly holding back as he turned abruptly and left the room. I turned my gaze back to Sarah who had sat back down and was scratching Winston's ears.

"Like your father no doubt."  She said quietly.

"You have no idea." I huff, the air from between my lips gently fluffing my overgrown  side swept bangs.

"Nothing a little coffee can't fix!" She exclaimed, springing to her feet over to her beloved Keurig that catered both of our addictions.

We brought our mugs to the back patio, parking ourselves in our respective lounge chairs with Winston spread out in between us on the floor. We talked for who knows how long. She asked me about Harry and politely didn't comment on my blushing cheeks. I told her about his unruly, curly hair, his cute yet awkward personality and how Artem almost threw him in the ocean, we both laughed out loud at that one.

When the moon was high in the sky we retired to our rooms for the night. After showering and throwing on an old oversized shirt, I padded over to my windowsill and perched myself onto the thick pillow. The moon was shining brightly, glimmering off of the ocean that gently whispered as it kissed the shore. I thought about my mom in that moment, how she used to brush my long hair as we sat on this very same window sill; I wondered what she would tell me, what she would think of Harry. I closed my eyes and wished fervently that he would be different from the others.

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