Chapter 8

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I pulled up to the beach parking lot and parked some distance away from where I could see Harry's large SUV backed up with the tailgate down.

I shut my truck off and let out a huff as I slumped down in my seat. I hated confrontation. Why did it have to be so awkward?

Why do you have to be so awkward? I rolled my eyes at the thought. Just who I am I suppose.

"Humff." I let out another huff as I looked back up at Harry's outline as he scanned the horizon. "Alright Oceanborne, it's now or never." I pulled my keys from the ignition, grabbed my phone and slid out of the seat into the warm night air. The smell of the ocean filling my senses and bringing me a sense of calmness.

"Hey, stranger." I announce my presence as I near his tailgate. Harry's face instantly lights up as he jumps to the ground and runs to greet me. His arms wrap themselves around my shoulders, one hand tangling itself in my windblown hair, and I mentally cursed myself for so easily melting into that hug so easily. His minty scent, warm skin and soft flannel all bringing my heart to a flutter.

Harry leans back to look at my face, "I've missed you today." His eyes search my face, his dimples gently appearing.

"I missed you too." I replied warmly. Genuinely missing his easy-goingness, his laugh, how he made me feel when I was next to him.

He took my hand and led me to his tailgate where we both sat and cuddled under the old Mexican blanket he kept for me and my ability to be cold literally anywhere. We just sat there watching the beachgoers go on with their lives enjoying the sandy wonderland.

"You alright, Aria? You're very quiet tonight." Harry questioned me, stealing a quick glance over to me.

"I'm just enjoying this. I don't have to talk all the time to enjoy it with you." I answer him with a shrug.

Harry's eyebrows raise in shock as he looks at me incredulously.

"What? I don't talk that much!" I giggle as I defend myself.

"Girl please, if people were books you would be an audio book." Harry teased me, tickling my side.

"Alright, alright!" I laughed as I tried to push his hands away from me. "I just like talking to you! What's wrong with that, boo?"

"Boo?" He lets me grab his hands and hold them still, "into nicknames now, are we?"

Scrunching my nose up at him, "Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"

At this, Harry's features soften as his eyes drift around my face, taking in all my features. I couldn't help but notice how the setting sun perfectly lit up his eyes, catching each eyelash and how they brushed against his cheeks when he blinked. When his eyes finally met mine again, he leaned in slowly and carefully pressed his lips to mine.

It was crazy how such a simple kiss gave me such warmth. How much feeling it conveyed. Surely this boy loved me.

I pull back and look back into his eyes. "Okay, you're right. I am slightly talkative, and maybe tonight I'm not as much..."

"What's on your" His face revealing his mischievous intentions with stealing my nickname for him.

I chuckle and look down at our intertwined hands. "Well today, Aunt Sarah and I were at the market and we ran into your stepdad."

His hands slightly tensed around mine.

"Are you ok? Did he say or do anything to either of you?" The concern in his voice practically dripping.

Anchored : A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now